Giving your lingerie to a male friend

I have a couple of female friends who know about my crossdressing and are very supportive and encouraging.

One of them once dated a crossdresser before I knew her.

Both of these friends give me their new and also used, but fully cleaned knickers, bras and stockings.

Would you/have you ever given a male friend your smalls?


I have not, but, I have lent bras and underwear sets to female friends and likewise borrowed them. Similarly, my first proper, non training type but sexy, attractive bra was a hand me down from an older friend who had “outgrown” it.

When it’s clean, laundered underwear for the purpose of wearing I don’t really see any difference between it going to a man or a woman, particularly, if it’s a case of the man not having the confidence to go to a shop and buy his own yet. Soiled or worn knickers are very different, but personally, I wouldn’t be passing them on to anyone! :rofl:


I share my lingerie with my husband and items I no longer need I offer to him - but on times I do gift lingerie to other men I know who are into women’s underwear . Many of the men I help are fellow friends of my husband where they meet together and talk about crossdressing and dress up :lovehoney_heart:

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I did t even know such a place was real to meet and chat about cross dressing what a pleasure that must be x

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This is a hot topic​:sweat_smile: wish I had friends like that. Of all the panties I have my favourite ones are the ones my wife bought me. They’re not the most comfortable ones I have but they are the most special.

I can’t say as I have, nor would I, but then that’s not for the reason you think:

When I get mine, I tend to wear them to the death of them :joy:

I might gift something that didn’t fit me/intentionally bought matching styles etc, however :slight_smile:


I do feel very lucky to be given them from her.

I am the only guy she passes her smalls onto.

She also encourages me to wear them.

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