Grab bags?

So somehow I found myself reading reviews for the discontinued grab bags which sound ace. Is this something that comes on and off or has been discontinued indefinitely? I would happily take one of each! It feels almost like Christmas when my delivery comes and I know what I've got so would be uncontrollably excited for a surprise :D

I love the idea of grab bags too ! I also read about them on an old post .

I love the idea of grab bags too ! I also read about them on an old post .

As far as I recall these items will not be coming back in stock. It was hard to control them if I remember rightly. You can't please everyone and there were complaints if someone didn't like what was in their grab bag.

I miss them!

I loved getting the surprise!

Yeah LH have said they won't be doing them again, they'd rather do different, better promotions that more people enjoy. I imagine they were a nightmare to prep, and unfortunately there were lots of moans the last round of them being done... I have had several, some great, some less so, in fact I'm moving house soon and I found a box tucked away and in it was the contents of my less than great grab bag haha!

Can you imagine it?
I buy a grab bag but I don't like what's in it so I send it back for a replacement but don't like that either so send it back again...

The first few times you couldn't return it, it was a gamble, then they changed it for one lot, which I think might have been the last lot ;)

another site i've used to do lucky dips and grab bags too judging by reviews the dip wasn't so much lucky it was just a way of getting rid of things mainly sex toy travel cases that weren't good sellers with the grab bags there'd always be things people didn't like. i think the promotions LH have at the moment like 3 for 10 3 for 50 etc are better you're paying grab bag/dip prices and getting things you want

They sound like a lot of fun, but as someone with specific needs (smaller girths, need to be quiet and waterproof) I don't think i'd fare very well.

They stopped these months ago I believe

I was never aware of them, until a friend recently told me. I'm really happy with the offers/deals/promotions, its still exciting waiting for the parcel to be delivered ![](upload://lJMrTcqgi5lI1FOpb07OYOcv2YF.gif)

I think I can safely say we'll never be doing a mystery grab bag again. We may, at some point, do some more fixed bundles that offer even better value than normal promotions - but with fixed contents (rather than 3 for £x). We would always say what's in them though.