
Hey everyone, you may have seen me posting on the forums over the last month or so. Well...... I just realised I never properly introduced myself :) How rude I hear you shouting!

Well what can I say... I'm a 21 year old guy from the South West of England in an amazing long term relationship with my girlfriend. We have a great sex life and love to try new things, hence me being on this site. I'm greatly looking forward to contributing lots more reviews and comments in the future :) But for now I'll just say hello! :) From what I've seen so far you're a great crowd :)

Hey winter is coming, I have noticed you posting - love the username! :) Welcome x

Hi and welcome. Hope you have been having fun on here ;)

Mr and Mrs Badger.

Hello and welcome x

hello , welcome & have fun !!!

Hiya x

Hello. Nothing wrong with just jumping in, sometimes it's just easier. Anyhow, welcome, and glad you're enjoying it here.

Hi, and welcome! :)

hi winter, welcome..hope you enjoy here. x

Hey hey!

looking forward to seeing more of you around the forums :) x

Hi and welcome :)

Hellloooo =D

Welcome to the forums =)

Welcome and enjoy :-)

Cheers everyone, great to be part of the community! :)

hi and welcome to the forum!