Hair removal cream

I often shave my rear end, but i always leave a little bit, or get it all spikey and horrible, so i was thinking about hair removal cream. Im just wondering whether it's ok for your more delicate areas, like the gouche. Or if anyone has any experience with doing this!

thanks guys :)

Regular hair removal cream? Nope nope all the burning! They usually have a warning on them not to use them in 'sensitive areas'.

You can get hair removal creams specifically for your genital area, but I've again only seen reviews revolving around irritation. If you're going to try one make sure it says it is suitable to be used down there and wash that stuff off at the first sign of discomfort!

Though it will still go through that spikey, horrible stage as it grows back. It's largely unavoidable!

have you considered waxing?

more expensive, but safer than creams or shaving yourself. Also effects last longer than shaving and the hair does not grow back spikey and coarse.

and over time growth becomes more sparse - thouhg this does take years of waxing!

Sensitive area hair removal cream works well for me but be carfeful not to leave it on for too long and definately dont do it more than once within a few days each session.

Yep have tried it all over that area, use one for "down there" you'll feel so smooth once you've done it, you may not go back to anything else, have to admit I use a razor normally but can be a bit stubbly no hair at all there for either of us.

Look on Amazon at the reviews for Veet Hair Removal Cream For Men...comedy gold!

My partner uses nair around sensitive areas.. I don't know if it's a particular sensitive stuff or anything, but he's never had any problem with it.

This isn't a major concern for everyone, but just in case it is for you, I just want to point out - the two main hair removal creams on the market are Nair and Veet, and they are both severe animal-rights offenders that carry out really painful test on animals for their hair removal creams.

Nad's is a lesser known hair removal company but their products are cruelty-free.

Thanks to all of you. Im going to look into it a little bit more. but in the meantime i still have my razors and my OH to help me right? ;D

I have tried using hair removers before and yes I was smooth but the irritation was too much and I wouldn't even try to use 'down there'. I shave everything. I found an intimate shave cream that works well (hesitate to mention the name of these products because LH does not stock them) and a good aftershave cream to prevent bumps. I don't even feel the stubble that I used to. I guess this is because I have been doing it for a while and have gotten used to how it feels.

I have to say I've read the reviews on Amazon for male hair removal, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Poor bloke!!!

The only thing i would add, is that if you do buy a cream, even one made for sensitive areas, do a patch test on a less sensitive area first, to make sure you aren't sensitive to any ingredient, then patch test again where you want ot use it. Never leave on for longer than recommended, even if it misses some hair wait atleast 3 days to do a second go over. Just to be absolutely sure you're not going to have a nasty reaction, nothing hurts more than chemically burning your sensitive bits i'm sure!