hand-made/Home-made presents!

This year me and the other half are making eachother presents for christmas as were skint and saving for a house. I havent got the foggiest what he is making me, but im currently in the kitchen baking him a giant custard cream buscuit, as he is obsessed with them. it what either that or make my own cheese...i thought the buscuit was the easier option...

anyhu, i was just wondering whether anybody has ever made there partners anything, sexual or non-sexual?!?

(you can give me some ideas for valentines day lol )


lovely idea :)

My OH and I made each others Valentine's this year du to not buying into the whole "you must spend loads of money on absolute crap to prove you love me" thing. So he made me a gorgeous photo collage, and inside the pictures were him lying in different positions to make a heart when it was all put together - hard to explain but was lovely.

I gave him a big old fashioned glass sweetie jar full of paper - some were folded into origami hearts, some were sparkly, some were photos and on each bit of paper there was something that reminded me of stuff we had done, or said or song lyrics or something we want to do. Sounds cheesy but he loved it. It took me HOURS as had his, and we appreciated this much more than a thoughtless last minute gift!!

Would love yto hear other peoples past gifts so we can have some ideas for next year!

ED x

Good stuff butters! I often make cakes and foody things for my OH and have them delivered to her as we live seperately. She really appreciates it! Idea for valentines. . .

Buy a nice tablecloth, table runner, napkins, cutlery, glasses etc and wine bottle with candle in old wine bottle of course :) cook him a nice meal he's never had before and make dessert. A few glasses of wine and a nice hot bath and massage from your good self to finish the night off. Do it all cheaply if lacking in funds! I made her a birdhouse for her garden once too, just something a bit different!

I'm getting into Bento boxes lately and making sushi, Japanese food for lunchboxes. Lots of effort but looks lovely when full! Bloody kids scoff it all though. SG x

Oooh, A_A that sounds wonderful.

We've made lots of pressies for people this year, from Fimo jewellery to home-made sweets. But the wrapping paper sounds like a great idea.

i make most of my presants - jewlery and chocolate sweets mainly but i got a book on how to make bags for my birthday so i'm making some of those for friends.

ED- i think i know what you mean, and i absolutely love that idea! guess thats valentines sorted aha

SG69- i did the whole romantic night for our first valentines. My OH has never been a fan of valentines day because he said he was always depressed before me, so i thought id show him its not that bad. so i made him a 7 course meal with home-made pizza, home made lasagna, home-made cakes and choclates and a banana caramel sundae, all of his favourites, as i still live with my family, they let me kick them out of the house for the night, i put on a red and black velvet dress and when he got back from work and i opened the door, he got an instant boner...worked a treat aha we couldnt even get thru dinner before he wanted some. but it was so romantic. and thats what valentines is about to me, just being together. im not one for wanting alot of money spent on me, so hand-made things are perfect.

A_A- i always make my own cards and decorations for the tree, im quite crafty so i love all that.

MM- is fimo hard to use? i was looking into buying some.

ioto- My sister makes her own jewellery aswell, she made me a charm bracelet last year, its so nice, ive told her she should sell them.