Handjob using toothpaste - has anyone tried this…

My partner has suggested that she wants to give me a handjob using toothpaste. Apparently it’s a pleasurable discomfort and can be done as part of our BDSM play.

I’ve told her that we can do it at the weekend as I’m willing to give most things a try.

Just wondering if anyone else has done this or had this done to them?


Never tried it … but a lot of male pleasure gels etc are mint themed for the tingle sensation.

Would imagine toothpaste would be similar but with more tingle , cooling , pleasure / pain.

It’s oral based so would also guess it’s fairly safe to use.

Be interested to hear peoples experiences or how you get on :hugs:


Some people use clit balms for anus/penis too.

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I’ve done this with a partner before. We might of just had really strong tooth paste or if all tooth pastes do this but he ended up with scarring on his genitals and he was sore for a month so if you are going to do this be careful and make sure the tooth paste is on the gentler side.


Maybe give that one a miss then. :open_mouth:
Scaring and being sore for a month doesn’t sound like fun. Curious to understand what has caused the scaring?

Id definitely go with a pleasure balm/gel. Much safer.
I once had a guy (just a hook up) rub vicks vapour rub on my anus without consent whilst I was in doggy position. Felt like i was on fire, worse than as if id had a curry the night before. I was furious.
I can laugh about it now, but at the time it really upset me especially as other things happened without consent, too.
A hard lesson was learned that evening.


I was about to say, toothpastes have a lot of foaming agents and drying ingredients that probably aren’t the safest to use in your nether regions :sweat_smile: Plus they are typically more of a paste and have abrasives added to help clean the teeth, so might feel like liquid sandpaper (plus then those micro-wounds can allow the ingredients to penetrate deeper, as well as bacteria and the like :grimacing:) :sweat_smile: Best to avoid and just use a sensation lube or balm as those are formulated for the genitals :+1:


Nooo don’t do it! As @rosiedosie says there’s micro-abrasives in toothpaste, which might be ok on tough enamel and gums used to punishment but not on your sensitive glans! Get proper balm!

If it’s meant to give a tingly fresh feel then I reckon it’ll be much like some gels you can get which are very good sensations


Personally I can’t stand anything worse than minty balms shower gels on my bits. I can’t stand the feeling! Just feels like it burns.
Give me warm chocolate or caramel any day!


Never tried a toothpaste handjob but I have had a ‘listerine blowjob’ before. Just a case of gargling some mouthwash before going down. An intense sensation and no harm caused at all.

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I once got toothpaste in my eye (my son poked it with his brush) and it’s genuinely one of the sorest things I can ever remember… not sure I’d let it near my john thomas!


When I was just discovering masturbation and desperately horny to try any and every possible lubricating agent in the house to avoid discovery or suspicion, I did try toothpaste once.

Only once.



So I told the gf about the feedback and now she is suggesting ‘deep heat’ muscle rub. I think she has one sole objective and that is to combine pleasure with pain. I don’t have much say in the matter as she’s going to tie me up before doing what she likes with me. :grimacing::ok_hand::heart:
I will let you know how I get on after the weekend.


Good luck :grimacing:

I think your in for a HOT night :rofl:

Hopefully not at A & E !

No experience of deep heat… would imagine on sensitive areas it’s a lot more intense and if it gets on the end …. You maybe calling the fire brigade :fire: :scream:

Trust me, i would not be putting Deep Heat anywhere near my sensitive bits. Just buy some balm!


Please tell me you’re joking about the deep heat, it’s called deep heat for a reason, and then add the hand motion from her. Your imagination can do the rest :woman_facepalming:t2::grimacing: and what’s even more worrying is that you’re saying that you have no say in the matter


Toothpaste keep away. It can cause a chemical burn im pretty sure.

Brushed my teeth naked before a shower one time and had a spodge of strong toothpaste hit thy dong tip.

Bad bad.


There’s combining pleasure and pain @RFinTHEbedroom yes it can be fantastic.

But seriously toothpaste and deep heat???


If you are really serious about this I would put the tiniest amount on and leave for 24 hours just to see if you get a reaction. If you feel any burning wash off straight away and avoid avoid avoid.

There are other ways of experiencing pleasure and pain…with less possible side effects like blow job mints… freshly brushed teeth and a mouthwash mouth…using ice cold water held in the mouth to chill the mouth for a few minutes beforehand…foods…flavoured lubes…wearing gloves made of varying materials for a different sensation…etc etc…

But again try cautiously first as we all react differently.

I had a friend who had a terrible reaction to a mint flavoured condom back in the 80’s it took weeks for her to heal and able to be intimate again.

By all means experiment but with caution.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


Perhaps make sure you have very well chilled yoghurt to hand ! :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: