Hang over hard on

If you wake up with one what do you do about it??

Me, personally, it has to go, first choice is hoping the wife is awake and willing to help deal with the situation with love making or a bit of hand relief but if not it's self masturbation and then if time permits a couple of hours sleep.

Love making definitely first choice. But one odd thing I've found is if I have sex with a wake-up erection I find it difficult to cum - sometimes I don't cum at all. But if I let it go away and make love later with a 'normal' erection it's OK. Anyone else get this?

I get really horny when hungover.

But I'm also really bad at hangovers, and I spend most of the day groaning, whining, crying or farting, none of which is much of a turn-on for my wife.

My key tactic is to downplay how hungover I am, and practice a bit of seduction first thing in the morning. Then after we've had amazing hungover sex, I can crack on with all the unattractive whining etc. Or eat an enormous full English breakfast - also not very sexy.