Has LH and this forum improved your sexual activity?

Sorry for making you jealous of others who get to have expanded fun . I myself get zero interaction with wife . But I am happy I have learned much about self pleasuring myself . I will “keep it up” as long as I can . Body pretty well shot and not getting any younger , so often I have to adapt to do some things . I count my blessings to be able to have many orgasms at my age . I guess I have a positive attitude partially because I should have been dead 11 times , so far . So I think I am lucky to have these bonus rounds . I am enjoying myself as long as possible .


I’m sorry to hear your experience has the sad/frustrating aspect to it. I can see how that would be, sometimes I look at stuff and go, yes that’s definitely something I would want to do - put it in the fantasy folder - but by equal measure there is plenty I see that I would not do, and I try to put my mind in a place of - the same is for my OH, plenty he would, plenty he would not, and sometimes they don’t match.
While physically we always respect the others feelings, and would never push anything, in my mind I say “it’s not for us… yet” because with time, trust and the ever evolving human experience, you never know when a light will go on for something. It’s good for me to not get everything I want all the time. It’s good for me to practice not succumbing to comparison or jealousy. But I make peace with the fact that it might never happen, despite the frustration and that is why fantasies exist. What is a world without fantasies? If you live every single one out, the mystery, the excitement and the expectation will eventually be doused by reality of actually doing it. Of course you want to do it. But actually doing it does pose the risk of taking away some of the magic.
I don’t know if that made any sense but that’s just how I deal with it :relaxed:


I’ve learnt a lot on here the past couple of years; have tried some new things with my wife and a lot of sex toys but it’s led me away from fantasy and acting out towards exploring pure sensation; what I’m really interested in now is the experience of orgasm. :exploding_head: