When o’ so young and there was no internet and we had just advanced from cave drawings
HYE had to cover yourself up so you’ve not been caught masturbating and then wear the cum stained clothes while they won’t leave.
When o’ so young and there was no internet and we had just advanced from cave drawings
HYE had to cover yourself up so you’ve not been caught masturbating and then wear the cum stained clothes while they won’t leave.
Yes, happened a couple times and have had to wear sticky briefs for a long time.
Answering that question makes me wonder
HYE been “forced” to cum in your OH panties and had to wear them under your clothes the rest of the day? or been the one to force your OH to do this.
Never been “forced” - has it happened? Yes. Of my own accord, also yes!
HYE injured yourself during masturbation?
No HYE had sex on public transportation?
Yep, couple of times on a train.
HYE Faked an orgasm?
HYE acted out someone else’s fantasy?
Yes and have… that’s prolly a whole thread… lol
Hye been spied on nude
Yes I have.
Hye masturbated in public
Hye got off when you knew someone was looking…
I have had sex in public and I’m certain a couple of people watched for a bit, but other than that no
HYE, joined the mile high club?
Not the Mile High Club, the chances of being caught appear too high. Have shagged on a train on the way back from a booze day out. The OH was wearing a light summer dress which made it fairly easy to conceal what we were up to.
HYE had sex in the cinema?
Not had sex but received a hand job and bj
Hye had sex in a club/bar
Yes women’s restroom… alley once…
Hye had a threesome with two females who were into each other…
Yes adult cinema im private but not so private viewing room… there was a hole on either side of us for people to look in… to late to stop after we noticed…
Hye shown your girl off in a theater or/ cinema…
No. We have rarely been to cinema.
HYE Had Sexual activity in full view of a hotel window.
Yep, In a high rise hotel in London, pushed right against the glass as well. I’m certain a couple people definitely saw us- good times.
HYE been to a sex room/dungeon?
Sounds amazing and one to add to the list.
Never been to a sex room or dungeon but again it is something to add to the list.
HYE been in the same room as another couple while they are having sex?
Apparently yes, the reason that I say this is that at a house party I was slightly worse for drink and crashed out in one of the bedrooms. Unbeknownst to me the hostess and her then boyfriend were getting a little bit frisky and as I looked comatosed, decided to shag on the bed next me. I was later informed of this fact by several people who attended said party.
Disappointed in myself really as I quite fancied the hostess at the time.
Does this qualify?
HYE had sex on public transport?
Definitely counts!
Not full blown sex but I did get fingered on a bus once, it made me a bit uncomfortable if I’m being honest- was constantly scared that someone would catch me out.
HYE had phone/video sex?
Yes, about 4 years ago I travelled for work and stayed in hotels Sunday -Thursday.
We would tease each other over messages and moved to sending videos back and forth.
HYE Same question.