
Hi. I am a 50ish year old man with a 50ish year old wife, been married a few years. She is the love of my life, I knew that right away when I met her. She is about 100lbs but shapely, and has the body and skin of a 32 year old. Before I knew her she was the victim of a vicious SA, as well as childhood trauma, that is surely contributed to her having what is called vaginismus. We have attempted PIV sex only a handful of times so far. She is sad and feels broken. I assure her that she is not, there is so many ways her and I enjoy each other’s company. I know just how to rock her world, and in turn, that rocks mine. When intimate, whether I am her pleasure dom, or her human sex toy, is just a matter of perspective. Either works for me and I couldn’t be happier being with her for life, even though her and I will probably never have normal PIV sex. I will NEVER leave her or cheat on her in any way, I have the perfect woman, that I am sure of. Have a good day all.

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Have you experimented with anal play? It can be an alternative to consider. I had a girlfriend with your wife’s condition and this worked out great.

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@user391 welcome to the forum.

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Welcome @user391 :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi and welcome to the forum @user391 :blush:

I’m sorry to read about your wife’s trauma, but if sounds like she is very lucky having you in her life!

Enjoy the forum, it’s a treasure trove of information, advice and fun :blush::+1:t2:

Hello and Welcome :waving_hand::slightly_smiling_face::waving_hand:

Hi :waving_hand: @user391
Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi and welcome to this great forum.

Thanks all for the welcoming responses!

Dave - no, she is not open to it and had made her stance on the matter known before I ever brought it up in conversation, and I understand.

@user391 welcome
I agree consider anal - it works

Mrs W here …

Hi @user391 welcome to the Forum, hope you enjoy it here and get some good advice …

Hello and welcome

Welcome to the forum sir and what a lovely first post you have written :smiley:

G’day, hope this site provides more information and advice to help with your ongoing adventures without PIV.

Welcome to the forum!