Help wanted!!

Am not great with forums and posted this under "squirting" but had no response, so hope it's ok that i'm posting a new thread, apologies if it grosses some out but i'm finding it a really prob and really could do with your help!!

Hey fellow squirters, and anyone who can offer advice, seriously need your help.....

Discovered to my amazement I ejaculate - how cool - this was about a year ago when I first met my lovely man, it was fantastic and wow was I surprised when he actually manged to get me to cum in my own mouth!! Ah all great you say, well then the problems started....

I suffer from a prolapsed dics that leaves my right leg and under carriage a little numb and due to the back probs I get strange spasms in my ribs - Doc sent me to physio - then physio to a Swedish ball glass to strenghten core muscles, after about 3 class I discovered that my pelvic floor was worse than before (not great with coughs or colds after I had my 4 year old son anyway)

To my dismay I lost the ability to ejaculate and worse discovered that I now actually wet myself as well on orgasm!! Not great a few months into a new relationship (he has been wonderful about it mind) This now leaves me desperately pulling myself back from the brink of great O's as I don't know waht is going to happen.

To quote the old joke, I now don't know if I'm coming or going!! And to make matters worse the OH is a larger endowed gentleman and so after intercourse I spend the next few days constantly leaking.

Dismay - get my little boy dry only to find I'm wetting my knickers!!!! Ah old age yuk!!

Anyone else experienced this problem, any advice, does it really need to be surgery and how would this affect my sex life?? (have now graduated from the inco clinic to the urologist!!)

Answers on a waterproof post card please!! x

Sorry I have no useful advice, can totally understand how you must feel tho but it sounds like one for the medical professionals to me? Have you tried kegal balls to see if that helps improve your pelvic floor at all?

*hugs* x

I have my lelo ones which I loved but .....

I have but after doing the exercise class I now after they've been in it's the same problem as sex, leaking for a few days, that and I dropped one on the way to collect my son from nursery and had to rush tiny loos to rejig!! OPPS talk about dropping the ball!! Ya have to look on the amusement factor side or it would get me feeling very low!!

Alway a bit dubious about the medical profession esp when the mention the surgery word and esp as my love life ( apart from the damp) is now at it's all time high,

thanks anyway

Yeah that's the rub neither of us into watersports, and bless him he was so good about it, he realised before I did and never said anything poor fella, and he's stuck around.

The upside is I already had the sheets for my son's bed, bless him, he's dry now I'm not!! Never expected old age to come soooo young, just as well I like the smell of lavender oil!! Hee hee,

and thanks x

illumine wrote:

Chamelian wrote:

Yeah that's the rub neither of us into watersports, and bless him he was so good about it, he realised before I did and never said anything poor fella, and he's stuck around.

The upside is I already had the sheets for my son's bed, bless him, he's dry now I'm not!! Never expected old age to come soooo young, just as well I like the smell of lavender oil!! Hee hee,

and thanks x

aaw it happens to everyone hun, sometimes im pretty convinced that I peed instead of sqirted, often the smell confirms too :S luckiy im into WS and my partner doesnt mind. I dont really know what else to suggest :/ though a few hundred years ago you would have been able to make a fortune bottling it up and selling it, shame hair dye no longer really contains ammonia

Yeah i twigged when I discovered the yellowish patches on the sheets!!

Ahh typical me, have always be slow to catch on, few hundred years has just become my best record for it mind, so that's a bonus x