Helpful tips for Lovehoney forum use - 2.0

Embedding a Topic Title link

If you paste a link into the title box when you create a topic it will embed the link under the topic title. You can then change the title to something more descriptive. :+1:

However, if you flark up embedding a link in your new topic title or realise you forgot to add one, it’s actually possible to edit one in later, rather than scrub and start over. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

You need to edit the OP itself (not just the title), and temporarily cut and paste all of the existing content to somewhere else for safe-keeping. Once blank, you can then paste your link into the title box and you should see it generate a onebox in the body text. This should then embed the link into the topic header. :+1:

You can then save that, re-open it, and copy paste the original content back in that you saved to one side. And that should be that. :slightly_smiling_face::+1: