Helping Your Partner Masturbate

We have started helping each other out when masturbating. By this I mean my husband usually tells me when he needs to get some solo action and a couple of weeks ago I offered to help him. We went up to our bedroom and he stripped off and lay on the bed and started to play. I stayed clothed but snuggled up to him and started to kiss his neck. I also stroked his chest as he really got into his stride. I then started to whisper sexy suggestions to him and it didn’t take long for him to shoot.

He told me that my encouragement was such a turn on and made the orgasm all the more intense.

He has helped me out since and I also found his help very erotic.


The mental foreplay is a very powerful aphrodisiac tool for all sex. It’s possibly more exciting than the fear of getting caught.


I have been doing this for years and he will often ask if I need help and vice versa

His favourite is when I ask if he wants me to wank him off in my knickers - he loves it …



Have you tried helping eachother out at the same time. As there nothing better than masturbating together especially if you manage to cum together
We always find it a turn on watching eachother

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Yes we often have together sessions sometimes with fingers and others using our toys. Very erotic and sexy. :blush:

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When we were first dating and both relatively inexperienced, we had a rough idea on the mechanics of sex, but perhaps not so much on masturbation.

So part of our relationship started of as a show and tell, with each of us guiding the other’s hand to show how we liked to masturbate.

The OH has over the years perfected the hand job, but blow jobs are few and far between as she doesn’t like the taste and texture of cum.

Whereas if she were writing a report card for me, she’d be critical of my fingering style, but would I think be praising my oral techniques.

Funny how life is…


I find it very sexy using my fingers around my wife’s G spot area, while she uses her fingers (or toy) on her clit.
She’s also guided my hand on her clit.
So sexy!
If it’s just me, I rub myself on her leg or bum. Yum!
Sometimes she will tell me to get my head near her pussy and she will have a wank.
She knows that makes me cum very quickly as it’s just too sexy and erotic for my tiny mind to cope with!!!


I love it when my partner gives me a hand job, it feels completely different, she slows it down and edges me till my toes curl…don’t get me wrong I’m an expert at handling my own cock, but I definitely get different sensations, she really enjoys watching my face when she explores different areas of my cock ( head, shaft, a cheeky testical squeeze) and she thoroughly enjoys watching me ejaculate


I’m recently into a new (poly) relationship and whilst my husband struggles with dirty talk, my new partner is much more proficient. Suffice to say we’ve exhausted one another over the phone quite a few times :joy:

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I love watching a woman masturbate. Mutual masturbation is so hot

I’ve been helping out my husband much more often in the last few year which I really love. Before this he has been watching porn most days and usually ending up masturbating on his own, but he decided he wanted to try and stop watching so often or at all. Since then, anytime he has needed to wank he has let me know and I have given him a handjob instead to help him avoid going back to porn all the time.


If I have someone special in my life, I dont masturbate myself, all my cum is hers, even if I dont see her for a few days.

Sounds amazing. Love having a hand when having a wank while watching porn :smiling_imp: