hentai story idea

those who are fans of hentai I thought of a idea for a hentai series and I thought I share with lovehoney since there's no one to share my idea

hentai idea

A schoolgirl falls in love with a boy at school but is very shy of the sexual part of a relationship so was nervous to ask that boy on the date so her two friends decided to help by revealing their secret to her that they run a blog website where they test sex toys and blog about them and before the schoolgirl know it her friends test the sex toys on her and later on in episode 1 we reveal that the two friends are doing a project on can sex toys boost confidence on shy girls for first dates both to help their friend and for the blogsite. the series consist of maybe 5 or 6 episodes with sex toy and some yuri action along the way then final episode the schoolgirl's crush comes in and then they have their first time with alittle help of some sex toys and at the end their friends project was successful and the schoolgirl asked her crush for a date and he said yes and they started holding hands as they walk into the sunset as they start dating and lived happily ever after

what do you think?

Wow, ummm I don't want to sound rude, but that's really hard to read without punctuation. Just a friendly reminder.
Even if you come up with an idea, what exactly are you planning to do with it? You going to write a story, or draw the comic, or what? I'm not quite sure what your looking for out of this.

Also isn't it weird that she would ask her crush on a date *after* their first sexual encounter?
I'll admit I've seen some hentai before, but it's not really my natural media, so I can't really offer much. Just my two cents!

if you mean full stops or commers yeah sorry about that,I was hoping to share to a company that makes hentai or at leat mangas and she feels more comfortable with the sexual side of a relationship so she gone for the gut and asked him out

With Hentai you MUST be careful. Schoolgirls can be perceived as being underage and that is illegal. Yes even cartoons and stories are a chargeable offence.

I worked at an animation studio briefly and part of my job was sending letters on behalf of the head of animation and storyboards saying thanks but no thanks. Very rarely do companies take on outside stories unfortunately.

My advice to you would be to have a full background history of each and every character. If you can't draw yourself fond someone who can illustrate these characters. Have a full plot stage by stage, scene by scene. Draw up story boards. Once you have a rough draft do it again and then again to refine it. Then your neck to step is to locate someone who will take an interest in it or start your own site with either "webisodes" or comic style reading.

Good luck.

oh right I haven't thought of that what about lolicon-type college freshman student

also I know I mention the plot all that's happening in this series is testing different kinds of sex toys and episode 1 and 6 is alittle different because of the plot

oh I thought companies can be open to new ideas

College students are fine depending on which country it is is aimed at as you have to respect their age of consent.

Animation companies have several writers and developers depending on their size. Smaller companies may be more likely to take on ideas. I was at a moderate sized company with around 20 employees. Our stories came from the in house team.

If this is a career you are looking into it may be worth seeking out developers you are aware of who produce the thing you are in to and ask if they are looking for any voluntary interns as you want to write.

like all Hentai in japan by the way thank you for the heads up on age thing

I don't know about career as a writer I just want to share my creative ideas and see if companies to make it reality

I'm surprised this thread is so dead, along with the only other two threads that got locked... :o

Not really sure where to post this other than here (it's just general hentai natter). :')

I've been a Studio Fow fan since they formed, it's not for the faint of heart though ! (Trigger warning: err, everything).

For less smut and more mushy stuff, I adore Junjou Romantica. Hits all the feels, you get attached to the characters so quickly.

I actually like the sound of this plot, but maybe would work better with university students or adults early in their career (like the new people in an office). It kinda reminds me of a happier We Must Remain the Wildhearted Outsiders.

I'd say go for it. Are you just writing the story, or do more on the art side of it too?

Shouganai wrote: I've been a Studio Fow fan since they formed, it's not for the faint of heart though ! (Trigger warning: err, everything).

For less smut and more mushy stuff, I adore Junjou Romantica. Hits all the feels, you get attached to the characters so quickly.

I think F.O.W. has another fan now, thank you.