Hi Im New

Hi I am new, but been a Lovehoney Customer for a while , I lolol. Been reading theforums for a while so I thought rather than just reading I would say Hi and maybe even contribute


Welcome @Jason35 . I have to admit I am really curious on how you ended up on an adult & lingerie site looking for running underwrar. Ususlly that is support. compression fit, wicking, form fit, etc… that type of thing.

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Hi :blush: glad you’ve decided to join in - welcome!

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Welcome to the forum dude! Nice to have you join in :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi :wave: @Jason35
Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

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Morning and welcome :orange_heart:

Hi :wave:t2: and welcome.

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Hello and welcome to the forum :wave: :wave:

Hello and welcome, :wave:

Hey @Jason35 :wave::wave:

Hello and welcome to the forum @Jason35 , I look forward to intacting with you more in the future :slight_smile:

Hello :wave:

Welcome. I’m fairly new also. Been a customer for a long time and decided to join in on the action :smile: Will be fun interacting with you and others from here on out :ok_hand:t3:

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Hey to you too @FriskyFusion :wave::wave: welcome aboard x

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@Jason35 Hello and welcome to the forums .

Hi and welcome

Hi @Jason35 :wave:
Welcome to the forum!


Hi there! :+1:

Hello and welcome. :wave: