Hi! I'm New!

Hello and welcome! This is your very own Introduction topic where you can tell us a bit about yourself, and give everyone a chance to say hello. :slightly_smiling_face: (And feel free to change the topic title to something more ‘you’ ) Enjoy!


@johnnyshel50 Hello and welcome. :wave:

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Hi :wave: @johnnyshel50
Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome :blush:

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Thanks im new to this

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@johnnyshel50 Hello and welcome to the forums .

Welcome to the forum :nerd_face:


Helloooooo :grinning:

Afternoon and welcome :blue_heart:

Hello @johnnyshel50 welcome to the forum

Welcome on board!

Hey @johnnyshel50 :wave::wave:

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