Homemade videos and photos safe storage?

Afternoon all

As I’ve just posted on another thread, I’ve just recorded a solo play session after hubby mentioned it before.

I’ve made sure there are no identifiable features in it, no face, tattoos, pictures in background, no voice in case it gets lost or stolen, but I was wondering…

How do others SAFELY store homemade videos or pictures?

I don’t use cloud storage, but my phone is my life so don’t want to accidently send it to work or my family! I was thinking move it to a dedicated cd storage or USB so not on a connected device?

Sorry if this seems over the top, privacy and non identification are very important to me!


We had the same concerns so actually ended up buying a standalone phone (no sim) and linking it up to the cloud. Lives in the bedside table, cloud account completely anonymous and secure. If lost/found nothing to tie it to us :grin:

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I would put it on an sd card. Alot easier to hide. All you need is a booksafe or something (i have one that is identical to a dictionary)


If you have a Samsung you can use the secure folder. Secure folder basically allows you to have apps, documents, photos, contacts (pretty much anything) locked behind an extra lock screen. It uses a different photo gallery from your normal camera roll so you wont be able to send them on accidentally.


All pictures and videos are stored on a USB stick and secured by folder lock.

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Similar to what @Curums123 said, there are quite a few apps that require a pin to open. I use one called Photo Vault but there are loads of options.

iPhones also have a “Hidden” folder which means you can hide things from your camera roll but they aren’t pin protected or anything and easy to find if you know where to look

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Yes that sounds like a good idea to me to have it on a usb so then you know it’s all in one safe place that you can guard

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You can get something like a GoPro or something similar that has a sd card and watch it on a non smart tv

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I’d just put it on a micro usb and hide it somewhere.


I have a folder in my phone which you can hide and set a Face ID or pin code so no-one will be able to access it.

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You can also buy encrypted usb memory sticks for a reasonable price. But, don’t lose/forget the pass phrase otherwise it’s gone forever.

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Thanks all, I’ve set up a secure folder with my biometrics to access while I look at sd cards or password protected USB :+1: hubby loved the video so feeling more open to making others! (In a non identifiable way!)


You’ve done the important bit - making sure there’s nothing to identify you in the content! I used to have to edit out tats, faces, scars and anything identifiable in the photos we used to post on a certain swingers site. Videos are even harder!

If you’re really worries then offline storage is your best bet - usb, sd card or portable hard drive. All can have password protected files on them. I’d avoid the cloud. How many celebs have had intimate photos/videos stolen by hackers and posted online? Always remember to securely wipe the originals from phones or laptops once transferred and don’t accidentally just leave them in the recycle bin - I’ve been there, done that and worn the t-shirt! :joy: :joy: :joy:


You could just encrypt the files. That way you could store them wherever you like with no danger of anyone viewing them by accident.

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We have a NAS (network attached storage) unit that holds all our sensitive / irreplaceable data including home movies and videos (of which we have a lot thanks to my former life as a fashion photographer).
It is encrypted and lives upstairs in a fireproof gun safe bolted to the wall with massive expanding bolts. Not accessible by hackers or curious children.
Okay a bit of overkill for a few saucy snaps but the rest of the data on there is very financially valuable to us.

On a more realistic note I would suggest a removable USB or hard drive of the encrypted variety. Probably lock it away with all your sex toys.

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