How big is too big

That’s kinda my wife’s same outlook as she’s only been with me. Have you or do you use any toys that are bigger to see how it feels? I encourage her to try some out but she is still holding back.

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Funny but we talked about that! She doesn’t want a dildo bigger than my penis in her because she’s afraid it will either stretch her vagina or my penis won’t feel as thick. My penis is just “normal”. No bragging here.


The 9.5 in X 8 in round black king cock that wife still melted on

That’s 3 1/2" longer than my penis if that’s what the 9.5 means.

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Oops, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to break the rules. I’ll make a copy/paste instead of the screenshots:

"Vaginal depth in natal females typically ranges from 7 to 14 cm, or about 3 to 5-1/2 inches.

  • Some of the best data concerning vaginal depth in natal females come from Masters and Johnson’s Human Sexual Response (1966). The diagrams below are taken from pages 73 and 74 of that book. Typical vaginal depth in Masters and Johnson’s participants ranged from 7-8 cm in an unstimulated state, to 11-12 cm during sexual arousal with a speculum in place. Nulliparous in the figures below refers to women who have not given birth.*

*Thirty years later, Pendergrass, Reeves, Belovicz, Molter, and White (1996) found slightly higher numbers. They measured vaginal depth in 39 women, only one third of whom were nulliparous. They found an average vaginal depth of 11.5 cm (4-1/2 inches), with a range of 6.8 cm to 14.8 cm (2-3/4 to 6 inches). *

Erect penile length in males averages 13 to 15 cm, or about 5 to 6 inches.

  • Wessels, Lue, and McAninch (1996) reported an average erect length of 12.9 cm in a group of 80 normal men. Harding and Golombok (2002) reported an average erect length of 15.3 cm in a group of 312 gay men. In the latter study, measurements were taken by the men’s partners, which may account for the somewhat higher figure reported.*

Source: Notes on Genital Dimensions

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My experience is that my husband is 15.5 cm (6.1 in) and at certain stages of my menstrual cycle it is painful when he goes all the way in, especially in positions that facilitate deep penetration.

I have never had children.

If you ask me about length and thickness, the answer is thickness without second guessing, I want pleasure, not pain.

Have a good read, it’s a great article and love yourselves, you are perfect the way you are :hugs:


I understand that, but don’t you think if I used a long dildo that my penis wouldn’t feel as good to her? Especially if the dildo was much thicker. My penis is the only one she’s ever had.

I can’t answer for her because everyone is different :blush: I can speak for myself, I love it when he plays with thick toys but there’s nothing that rivals his penis. :grin:

And as for the length… I tried it with a real penis and I never forgot how much pain I had during the whole intercourse. :face_with_head_bandage:

There are tons of women who relate like me and it’s not surprising given the average size of a vagina! :nerd_face:

Honestly, I think that most women who say they like long penises have never actually tried it and are fantasizing. :upside_down_face:

Try it, there’s no other way to know if she’ll like it or not :eyes:


Great answers here, @papilio. My wife’s experience also matches your description.

It totally blew my mind after learning about this. As a young man I used to have a touch of envy for hung guys. Turns out I was comparing myself to pornstar averages: I’ve heard the average porn penis is something like 3inches longer! :roll_eyes::rofl:
My wife enjoys working up to a bit of extra girth every now and then, but extra length is not fun for her, for PIV.


We find the same. My wife enjoys taking in about the first 4” or so, and just slightly more when her cervix is higher and less sensitive.
Happily the extra length can be fun for us both in other ways so it’s not a total waste! :joy:


My wife is still tight after 8in round. As long as she is coming she will stay tight. But don’t push it. We are in an understanding position but also have fun


Im around 7" length 5" circumference and my wife seems happy with that.
As yiu mentioned, depending on arousal/time of menstrual cycle, i can hurt her at times going too deep… at others she pushes me as far in as she can, nudging her cervix repeatedly. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

She’s says she’s had longer before me, and much prefer mine in terms of size. Apparently also the only man to have made her orgasm, which is quite sad (for her).

Has the study you read had mentions about vaginas sizes relative to height of the woman?

Back when my wife and I had sex , she always said my average ( now unemployed cock ) was perfect . I am on my second wife and experienced " several " women between my wives . I only recall one that defiantly could have used more than I have , as a side note , she was the tiniest woman I ever took to bed . As a general note , I understand many women after menapuse can not comfortably accept a lot of cock .

I didn’t find data on women’s height, but I’m also curious. It would be time to carry out new studies on the subject, especially because the sample is very small.

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I don’t think I’ve really ever found anything too big , the biggest I’ve had was about 9 inches and there was a bit of pain but I kind of liked that about it


“Too big” is entirely for the receiving partner to determine.

Its really gonna vary. And it can change. My husband was too big for me at first. PIV was actually less pleasant than anal. After a few years of work, its just fine.

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Samantha here.

Iv not had one that i thought was too big. The biggest iv had was about 9" and i used to take it all the way to his balls. My SO is a nice 8" and is the best iv ever had.

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