How did you spend New Years?

Did you have a midnight kiss?

Did you see the New Year through half closed eyes?

Did you watch fireworks?

Did you spend time with family or friends?

Or did you like finish tidy your house and only finish 15 minutes before midnight?

I am genuinely interested to here the tales of how the New Year came to you :)

New year was just as awful as all the other ones. My oh can't be asked to take me out so likes to spend it watching the telly. That was my New Year, I kissed him as always and that was that. He then fll asleep on the sofa.

I won't be spending another like that...ever!

Ozz wrote:

New year was just as awful as all the other ones. My oh can't be asked to take me out so likes to spend it watching the telly. That was my New Year, I kissed him as always and that was that. He then fll asleep on the sofa.

I won't be spending another like that...ever!

I don't think we were much different than yourselves if being honest. The only differences being was that we were at a party and we kissed quite passionately .Sex was on the menu later in the morning

On a sofa watching TV after having a truly rubbish night. I'm giving up on New Years.x

We went to the beach during the day for a walk in the sun (and a bit of a road trip), then came home and spent the evening slobbing on the sofa together watching TV. Bought some party food just for the two of us and had our own mini buffet, which was nice, but didn't manage to eat most of it haha! We kissed at midnight and watched the fireworks, then went up to bed shortly after.

It was a great day/night :) I've never been one for going out or drinking so New Years is never really a huge event for us.

Home with the cat watching wrestling, video chatted with the other half at midnight. I don't go out or drink so just a standard evening for me really

Had some drinks, watched the fireworks and went to sleep! We had planned to have an amazing new year shag but we were too tired so that'll have to wait until later haha

JJLWB wrote:

Had some drinks, watched the fireworks and went to sleep! We had planned to have an amazing new year shag but we were too tired so that'll have to wait until later haha

We were the same so made love later this morning

We went to the cimema and watched a late showing of the James Bond film - then when we got home we watched the fireworks that were going off around us - bed at about 12.30.

I did offer to give the OH her first O of 2016, only a few hours before I'd given her the last one of 2015 :), but she was too tired and we just cuddled for a bit and fell asleep.

I spent new year watching TV downstairs while my OH was asleep and snoring upstairs in bed.

brilliant start to the new year....

I sat in front of my PC in discomfort/pain trying to relax and keep myself entertained as I had a tooth extracted on Tuesday and have felt like crap ever since.

I did get a qucikie done by 10 to 12 but was so tired that I couldn't even stay up for the last 10 minutes to see in the new year.

So yeah a terrible end to 2015 and terrible start to 2016.

Went to a gig came home watched some telly

In bed alone with a nasty stomach bug. Up to the loo every 20-30 mins. Starting to feel better now tho.

Out for a meal with friends while OH worked.

I had a nice time and watched the fireworks, but would rather have been slobbed out on sofa (or anywhere, really) with OH.

I'd like to wish everyone working, ill or alone a happier New Year and 2016 in general.

Playing on tablet, new years crap anyway. At least I get my giant tv this year, after five years of saying about it and saving. Oh yes Peter Capaldi on a 65 or bigger screen.

I was asleep at midnight. Woke up to the sound of fireworks which really annoyed me and then I went back to sleep. First year in ages that I haven't gone out to celebrate x

Drinks, food and a few games with friends. Felt like a nice, chilled Saturday night, forgot it was even new years 😂

the oh and I spend Nye at a friends wedding, watched fireworks a few drinks and ended the night with a midnight kiss :)

Did consider going out to try and find a play-mate for New Years, but in the end decided to stay in just with the OH, and chain-watched episodes of Transparent nestled under a duvet. Watched the flashes from the fireworks at midnight but both me and my partner had a cat each asleep on our laps so couldn't move or kiss straight away at midnight, haha. It was nice having all 4 of us together as a family though. A very nice start to the year.

We went to the cinema and then ordered a huge chinese at home. Me and my OH don't like New Years, I got quite emotional and upset last night about a few things. When it was midnight we had a smooch and finished off some spring rolls. It was nice once I calmed down. We spent it how we wanted to and that's all that matters.