How many people have you slept with?

I feel like a slut :/ haha!

I won't say when I became sexually active, but since then I've slept with 6 guys including my OH and 1 woman. I wish that number was less as not many of them were worth it!

Zero. I believed i was asexual til i was 22 when i met my last partner. Long distance and sadly ended 3 weeks ago, although still some hope it's a temporary split. He's the only perdon i've ever felt desire for and the way i love him i couldn't bwe with anyone else, so if we don't get back together my number will likely always be zero.

I'm saddened by how many people I have been with. But if it wasn't for certain morons. I wouldn't have my gorgeous daughter. And probably wouldn't have met my beautiful OH <3

Ink and Kink wrote:

I'm saddened by how many people I have been with. But if it wasn't for certain morons. I wouldn't have my gorgeous daughter. And probably wouldn't have met my beautiful OH <3

Doesn't really matter how many people you have selpt with, as long as you enjoyed yourself and nothing bad happened from it :)
Chances are if I hadn't have met my partner, my number would have been so much higher as I enjoy sex too much to miss out on it, ahaa.

God I feel bad. These numbers are really low. im not even saying. Let's just say I partied and went to uni. All my friends always had girlfriends so I had to operate alone and became very comfortable and confident around the opposite sex. Sometimes it wasn't just me and another.

popk1n wrote:

One :) only been active for around 15 months also, same as william1987

I'm not sure if it's me but I think I'm weird for only starting to get sexually active fairly recently because I was pretty much a total novice until I met my girlfriend as I was nearly 27 before I lost my virginity.

Am I the only one that thinks I'm weird or just reading I to it to much?

Im a slightly younger than you haha :)

But its not "weird" :) different things work for different people at different times. Its better to have one partner who you care about at 27 than 15 one night stands which you regret at 19 for example

Yes that is true, I guess I just kind of upset with myself that it never happened before then if that makes sense :/

Oh god ... now your asking .. I was wild as a teen .. must have been lot's & lot's my father told me to stop using his house as a "brothel" .... always had female partners .. never male.

I was sexually abused by a male uncle when I was a child and was married with 3 children before I actually told anyone ! Thanks Esther Ranson @ Child Line ... my abuser was never brought to justice as I was so young I was considered " an unreliable witness " My wife now understands what made me what I have become !

I suppose my "sexual activity" as a teen was psychological to "prove" to myself I wasn't "gay" and to prove I could "get" females ........ for all the women I used I am truly sorry :-(

I love sex and love giving oral ..I am submissive and tender with my wife but miss the " Raw Animal Sex" I know is good ...

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6 men......never had sex with a woman but would have liked to have experienced it

william1987 wrote:

Yes that is true, I guess I just kind of upset with myself that it never happened before then if that makes sense :/

Dont be upset! :) just think, if your life had panned out differently, you might not have met your lovely girlfriend :D was she a virgin when you met? You dont have to answer, just being nosey :)

Lots and Lots ... I was really awfull to girls as a teen and to women when I got older ..

that was a reflection of what happened to me as a child ....

Seeking sex as a "Normalisation" of my life :-( .. not a good scene ...

Just one and went on to marry him .

From Losing my virginity at  [EDIT by Admin] to getting married i think it was about 4.

Between getting divorced a few years ago and my current GF i honestly didnt count but it was a lot of women. Turns out getting divorced turns you into a man whore haha

I think 33 men and one woman (I may have forgotten a couple of men). Sure, I made some poor choices at times but I don't have regrets, I have lessons! In general, I have enjoyed being promiscuous (I have also enjoyed being in monogamous relationships too) and I expect I'll have quite a few more sexual partners over the course of my life.

I've never understood why having a large (or small) number of sexual partners is something people "should" be ashamed of or embarassed about. Treating people badly, being deceitful, harming people....those are things to be embarassed or ashamed about (and hopefully mistakes we try not to repeat), not choosing what to do with your own body.

To anyone feeling their number is in some way bad/shameful/embarassing: There is no value judgement to be made from how many people a person has slept with. All your number says is that you slept with that number of people, nothing more.

A lot of casual no strings relationships when I was younger, all fun and games until someone got pregnant. There was no way I was able or willing to commit to being a Father in those circumstances but the lady involved wanted to keep the baby.

I have contributed through the CSA around £88,,000 over the last 20 years for a daughter I have only seen once, and at some point during every day I give myself a mental kicking for being a twat.

Since then no casual relationships and I only slept with women who I believed I could share a future with.

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Just a few, 4 in total. I used my body and some sexual contact, with a number of people, to get what I wanted in the past but never full sex.

Only my husband now though, past life has faded, thankfully.

2 men, one of them hopefully for the rest of my life! 

popk1n wrote:

william1987 wrote:

Yes that is true, I guess I just kind of upset with myself that it never happened before then if that makes sense :/

Dont be upset! :) just think, if your life had panned out differently, you might not have met your lovely girlfriend :D was she a virgin when you met? You dont have to answer, just being nosey :)

This is true, ah it's ok no she wasn't, she's had a couple of long relationships so she was more experienced than me

Only 2 men, one who I thought wanted more but only had sex once then he moved one ... we was good friend unfortunately. N other is my bf x