How many wanks a day?

recently its been absolutely loads. Something like a minimum of 5 a day!

sxe_couple21 wrote:

recently its been absolutely loads. Something like a minimum of 5 a day!

Not in politics are you??


3-5 times a day. sometimes a do not wank but play from behind and satisfy so i don't know if this counts!


Diamonds, I'm the same too! Sometimes its a week or more between sessions whereas other weeks will see me having two or three a day. Usually depends on life, inspiration (for my dirty mind) and the proximity of my boyfriend... The most I've had is probably seven or so during a session with my boyfriend when he was feeling particularly attentive The boy tends to manage about one day on average (jealous that some guys seem to be able to get more than five in the space of twenty-four hours!!) though I've been known to inspire a second out of him if I'm lucky!

I'm a morning and night man, so 2 a day. Well only if I'm forced into it by a tired girlfriend, sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands!

A ny change with the rising sap??


I think wanking is like catch 22. The more you wank, the more you want/have to wank.

When I'm at home I get laid or wank about 2-3 times a week on average. When I working away and only have myself to play with I end up wanking at least 3 times a day. By the end of the month wanking 3-4 times a day & I am still uber horny ALL the time! Soon as I break the cycle & stop wanking I am less horny & hardly want to wank.

Tried once not touching myself on a 3 week course & I was absolutely fine, no crazy lust or climbing the walls. Also gave a much better performance when I got home too!

For me it is around one or two times a day. Sometimes 3 or 4 if I have found a really good new toy (got a rabbit in my grab bag and omg!! it is so brilliant its running now about 5 times a day ;p0

I have to masturbate at least every 2 days though or I turn into a monster. Literally the stress and everything kills me!!

Most I have gone without is a week when I was away with my youth group and I couldnt do it with 5 teens sharing a room and no porn :(

I would be a one a day man, usuallly as a way of relaxing at the end of the day. I agree with the others about doing it regularly, it does make you hornier so you need it more but I sometimes think its more to do with it becoming a habit and something you looking forward to rather than any physical need.

Dont think I can join in this thread can we start a new one but have it as how many in a week

1 maybe 2

Do I need to do more?

If I was a woman I'd never have my fingers out of ther. The only thing that stops me wanking more is all the f'ing mess. Can't do it in the shower (on a water meter).

If I was a lady I would ride everything, I'd see what I could get up there dawn till dusk , I'd be at it all day long, wherever I could. My handbag would be full of toys like Jimmy B's brief case. A quick suck or lick & your toy or finger is clean, huzzah! At worst a damp gusset on your knickers.

Or yet again are my rose tinted porno goggles sending me way off?

5-6 on a good day then!


All depends on the time available. Back in my student days, think I reached double figures at least!

These days more like once a day plus sexy times with mrs J 4-5 times a week.

every morning and every night....

one is enought for me find it gets boring i need the stimulation from the female species lol

Always much more fun with someone else's input isn't it. Mind you sometimes that just gets me going and then I've got to go again solo later! Sometime I'll have a quickie just before sleep even when we've had loads of shagging that day.

Typically once a day but not even that recently.

I enjoy a cracking orgasm if I hold off a couple of days mmm nice.

hi to be at least 2 times a day for me,but saying that not so easy with kids running around lol

Longest I can go for without wanking is 3/4 days, when I just don't feel an urge to, but then I'll crack one out and that'll start a landslide and I'll do it 2/3 times a day for weeks on end. As for sex, well ideally I wouldn't go more than two days without sex :D But at the minute haven't had any in a few weeks, hopefully that'll change soon!