How to stop a girl cumming?

Hi I'm 22 year old female, who cums and orgasms really fast. I've looked really hard on this website that maybe could slow me down but seems like they're all for men? Anyone else have this problem or know what I can do to help me?

thank you in advance

Wow, I'll admit this is the first time I've heard of it this way around. When you say you orgasm really quick is this through full sex or just concentrating on your clit? If it is just your clit you could try some of the delaying sprays available to men.

Are you able to multiple? If so it seems to take longer for the second one to come round from what I've heard anyway.

When you feel yourself getting close, perhaps spend a little time concentrating on your partner, then it will allow your body to rest a little back to it's pre-orgasmic state...

To stop myself from cumming too quickly I always always try and take my mind off what is happening by thinking of anything else except what is going on, sounds so daft but I would think about what I need in my grocery shop or what I need to do tomorrow until the feelings have subsided. Or to keep it sensual I would let my more dominant side creep out for a while and pleasure my partner and not allow myself to be touched until I had cooled right down and the urge to orgasm had gone right off x

What about trying like a numbing spray or lube.

Would it help to have two or three orgasms before the 'main' thing that you want to do? Maybe take the edge off it a little, perhaps last a big longer then :)

I know there are guys who masturbate before having sex so they can last longer, don't know if that works for women too.

liplocked wrote:

Would it help to have two or three orgasms before the 'main' thing that you want to do? Maybe take the edge off it a little, perhaps last a big longer then :)

I know there are guys who masturbate before having sex so they can last longer, don't know if that works for women too.

Does that work for men? Surely they would lose an element of blood pressure if you catch my drift?

you are gifted. enjoy it. learn to orgasm more times rather than slowing down. also recommend praticing edging. something guys do mostly, but in your case its a good thing to try.

if your guy learns to edge you well, you could become his slave and beg him to make you cum

I'm exactly the same... I cum really quickly, over almost nothing at all! Just enjoy it and go with it... Your partner should take it as a compliment and it means you get to cum multiple times... What's not to like??! Just go with who you naturally are :-)

The 12 times tables works for me

Most women can cum more than once, so learn to harness that potential into multiple orgasms! I get too sensitive for a while after so that's out for me, but just think of the potential. You'd make a guy feel like a major stud.

what i do to stop my wife cuming is take her toys away blindfold and tie her to the bed then i go the pub with my mates lol. Not realy if i did i would have no fingers left to type with , just relax and enjoy its better than not cuming

SlinkyRat wrote:

Most women can cum more than once, so learn to harness that potential into multiple orgasms! I get too sensitive for a while after so that's out for me, but just think of the potential. You'd make a guy feel like a major stud.

Totally agree here. Don't suppress it . You are a very lucky woman some woman struggle to orgasm at all. Lovemaking is about relaxing and going with the flow. Any man wood be thrilled that you can come so much.

Just as slinkyrat says multiple orgasms are wonderful. Just embrace it see how many you can have. If they tire you out switch to doing something for your OH then go back to having some more. I would love to keep my wife coming on the orgasmic plateau..

My wife cums too quickly too. She's very excited by clit play and has much bigger orgasms that way.

The posters above who've encouraged you to just enjoy it and let yourself cum as many times as you like are maybe forgetting one thing. some women lose the excitement after cumming and sex becomes a lot less pleasurable, maybe even painful. that can be a real passion killer, as you can imagine.

my wife and i have started using a desensitising lube. and it seems to work quite well. she finds it a little harder to reach orgasm but that's not such a bad thing. she ends up having to 'work for it' a bit more which results in some really wild sex! previously it was me doing the hard work and her 'being pleasured' so to speak. it was fun but now she's doing as much of the heavy lifting and it is quite the sight to see her riding and thrusting downwards onto my cock, as she works herself up to that mind blowing orgasm, spraying her juices half way up the wall, lol.

this is the lube we tried and it worked quite well for us:

incidentally, the lube allowed us to experiment with some girthy toys, something she'd never have considered before but now, with a little effort she can work into herself quite deep.

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