Hypothetical question? Who would like this?

Having read through the thread I think I’m in the minority. Going back quite a few years (to Uni years), I definitely didn’t need to have an emotional connection with a man to have great sex. A one night stand (and there weren’t many but a couple) wasn’t about emotions it was just about sex and as long as both parties know this then for me that is absolutely fine and you can have a great night with no need to see each other again. Having said that, physical attraction is an absolute necessity.

I’m afraid I’m still a no to the proposed new world order though. I’m not physically attracted to very many people, my first thought was the same as one of @AJSTAR’s in that STDs would go insane and I’ve been with my OH nearly 12 years and have no interest whatsoever in making it an open relationship. Also, who on Earth would have the time?! :rofl:

Emotion free sex with a new person when single though… as long as you’re not going to see them everytime you go to the supermarket(!)… all for it.


Time is always the issue lol …

Could it also be the potential in that sort of world everyone would be exhausted all the time trying to fit it all in that the pleasures of sex become meaningless chores to get out the way and in turn starts a rebellious revolution of people going celibate?! :thinking: