I was scared...

... of dentists and the dark, I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations

of spiders - even the small ones!

Oh all my friends are turning green

i was listening to this 20min ago in the bath :P

Gem - you're the wizards assistant in their dreams

This has been sitting in my ear all day

I love this song so much >.<

I am scared....
Of having sex on the sofa

I don't even know what this song is. Am I old?

I got a lump in my throat because you're gonna sing the words wrong ...

You're not old Mrs!

I've just googled it. I'm sure I've heard it before, is it off an advert?

Good tune! i also like snaggletooth (same EP)

It was in a BrandAlley ad last year, but I'm sure it was in something else too!