In2 Patch Premature Ejaculation

I’m interested to know if anyone has used the in2 patch for premature ejaculation. It’s a patch the guy wears on his perineum during sex and it stimulates your muscles and enhances your ability to contract the pelvic-floor muscles to delay ejaculation. By using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology.

Just interested if anyone had tried this or similar and if it works.


Sounds interesting- I want to know more …

Not something I’d heard of before seeing this post.

I’d be interested in hearing from someone who has tried one out.

PE seems to attract a lot of so called remedies that actually do very little.

Never heard of it till this post :thinking:

Just Googled it and seems a very interesting and clever product.
Whether it actually works is another matter? Hopefully someone on this forum does a road test and lets us know, its not cheap either but i suppose if you suffer from PE the its worth it.

Id be worried it fell off and got lost inside the missus :rofl:

Hmm not heard of this before but sounds like it might show some promise perhaps

Sounds interesting