Internet security

Yeah i agree with you there. You can get away with using the same username for some stuff if it’s related, like i read a lot online so have accounts on some websites like that and they’re the same username (these sites aren’t quite forums though so it’s just for reading, publishing your writing and reviewing other works). But for the most part it’s best to go for different stuff each time where you can. The only other place I’ve used the username on here was for a gaming platform nearly a decade ago

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Well the thing with Tarot forums was most people used the largest one but the owner gave up and made it all read only a couple of years ago. Half a dozen members started new forums and a lot of people joined them all while they found out which they preferred, so all kept the same usernames. I started with a new username here (the old one would have clashed as it happens) but changed it on the only Tarot forum I still use in case anyone there wanted to follow me here.

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I don’t need to check that out then, will try something else once my MacBook has settled down after booting.

Well the image uploader seems to have removed all EXIF data. I saw a great crime program in which the police were given a photo of allegedly stolen antiques in which were embedded the date and time (after the alleged crime), latitude and longitude from GPS - which told the police they were in his ancestral home in Ireland, as confirmed by asking the Irish police to go round there. :+1:


I saw that! An insurance scam i think!

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LOL at reviews for Morrison’s matching someone else’s username. :joy:

Tried this today for dinner and they tasted awful and left a horrible after taste. Ended up throwing them away after a few bites.

Never again! Ate them and within 3 hours I vomited them back up, I suspect it was amount of salt in them that made me unwell. Wont be buying again.


Is anyone on the web actually a young lady? :unamused:

”Hi Welcome and thank you for visiting my profile, I am ace12345 . I am male from United Kingdom and my age is 40 years”.


Hope you graduated N.B. :man_student:

I try not to G**gle anything much these days. DuckDuckGo offer pretty decent search, free to the user, but without the surveillance capitalist model of massive data acquisition & ‘mining’. It makes me feel alot more secure.


Yup. Me too. Wouldn’t touch G**gle with a shitty stick these days. DuckDuckGo works just as well and they keep NOTHING. :dark_sunglasses:

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OK, so how do they make money?

This might explain it:


Surveillance capitalism is, in my opinion, a bit like a smoke and mirrors trick.
Your data is held by, for example a search provider or social media platform and not shared. This dataset is free for use by the company to create a profile of you to predict your desires, which the company can trade. In this process they serve up their users predicted
behaviour as a product to advertisers, political campaigns, or whoever pays for this service.
The user‘s dataset is not shared or sold directly, as this is illegal in most countries, however, the service (behavioural prediction) provided is not. Which is where this type of company trades.

DuckDuckGo offers a very very limited form of this model. They only trade screen space to advertisers based on purchases by users making similar searches, I believe (not 100% on this). They discard all private information, unlike other private browsers that only delete this information from your device or computer. They keep the data, while you do not.

The surveillance capitalist giants of Silicon Valley, by contrast, acquire way, way more data, and can sometimes use it to create creepily accurate models. Which is why they are valued in the hundreds of billions.

I should add;
I’m not anti-capitalism. I don’t have a big problem with people making money in general. The term ‘surveillance capitalism’ is from Shoshana Zuboff‘s Book describing this relatively young industry.
It’s the surveillance bit that I find interesting to consider when we’re talking about anonymity and privacy issues.

Basically, I feel safe on this site, but especially so when I‘m not telling my search provider who, and even where I am at all times.

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Most ads just annoy me so I occasionally click on one with a picture I find stimulating, like ladies in swimwear, so I’ll get more of those as wallpaper in the future. :bum2:

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Don’t know about anyone else with the name but i definitely am :joy:


I’ll have to look at trying that 1, i don’t use Google very much anymore anyway, i usually use my universities search feature to find papers and don’t really need to find much else

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Mrs S gets quite annoyed when she hits a paywall while looking up a paper. Luckily she’s got a few researchers and doctors among her followers who can tell her stuff.

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I use a password Authenticator app now, especially for my email address accounts, when you log in the app will ask you to approve the log in first, works if that email address is linked to a Skype or Discord account.

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Lovehoney’s Sexual Happiness Podcast had a great episode last year on sexting. The tip on using Signal was golden.
Signal do not have a key to your encrypted data, they do not collect metadata either. It’s free to use because its development is paid for by government grants and donations, so they’re not trading anything. Unlike certain other messaging apps, you are not the product!