Introducing cum play

I kinda always fantasized about cum play with my wife (cleaning up off her body, snowballing etc) but dont know how to introduce it without seeming too wierd. I’ve wondered what my cum tastes like but lose the urge after masturbating, we are into some kinky stuff like pegging but i think im the kinkyer one and dont want to wierd her out. Any tips or advice?


Ask her. See if she thinks the idea of you doing that excites her. I love it personally but my OH not so much but when I do get to do it it’s amazing.

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Shes only just started to swallow my cum after using LH’s yummy cum, and i showed her a review someone posted about trying their cum from their OH and she pulled a face, so i dont think it’ll happen but next time she finishes me orally i’ll have to try and bring it up

Tell her about your thoughts on tasting your own cum, also wondering what it may be like to lick it from her skin. Then you can ask what her feelings are on having it on her skin. Does she let you finish in her mouth, if so ask her what it tastes like.

On the issue of tasting your own, it’s a natural reaction to loose that desire to taste it post ejaculation, as your sexual desire naturally drops off after orgasm. You can work your way past that by treating it as a sort of nasty medicine scenario, and do it anyway. It depends on what your cum tastes like as it wether or not you can get past it. This does help with that issue if you have it.

Also your diet can drastically effect how you taste. Eating fruit helps especially pineapple. Tasting your own can give you an appreciation of why some women don’t like to get in their mouth, or swallow. It can leave a strange sensation in your stomach.

It maybe that just playing with it on your own skin, and or her’s is where you end up, but it’s just as likely that she doesn’t even want it on her skin.

And avoiding smoking, alcohol, and I think spicy food? I think drinking lots of water can help flush the system too.

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I’ve often thought about going down on DW after sex when she has my cum in her to give her another orgasm but not done it yet , wasnt sure if it was weird now I see it’s not so imay just give it a go :grinning: . I’m going to look at this yummy cum stuff too


@anon62893628 she doesnt mind where i finish to be honest, i’ve been using yummy cum and shes started to let me finish in her mouth sometimes now, i just dont want to wierd her out if you know what i mean?

@Ian_Chimp theyre my favourite things :joy: i try to eat loads of fruit and drink loads of water though to compensate


@damodude6 t’s not weird, but it may weird her out, it depends on her feelings on the matter; often formed early in adult life. But if you don’t ask you won’t know. I don’t know your relationship, but a good relationship should involve you both being able to express things ( within reason, which must not include demands) without fear of being judged. Though it does often end up with one person judging the other over things like this.

If she doesn’t mind where you finish, ask her how she feels about it, make sure that you tell her you wish her to be honest in her feelings. Sometimes a partner can do things that they don’t really want to do but as they don’t cross the hard limit they allow it out of love for the other person. Not wanting to deny that person of something they clearly like; but over time resentment can build.

Personally I feel it’s better to be open and honest about such things. The thing is for the person asking about things to feel perfectly fine with an honest answer. There is nothing worse than saying well if you do want me to be honest then, actually I don’t really like that; only to see negative emotions on the other persons face.

Mine too. Though I’ve just resigned myself to having manky jizz. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think smoking makes it taste really sour, and pineapple/sugary fruit can’t make a dint in that. You could try vaping or patches, etc for a couple of days to see if that helps? Though if it’s the nicotine that makes it funky then that’s a trickier hurdle.

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Our relationshp’s great, thing is i know i can talk openly to her, but my own head gets in the way of me opening up about things i want, it took ages for me to get the courage to discuss us getting a strap on and she was fine, excited even about using it, but i kniw i m the freakier one and dont want to push her out of her comfort zone too much or make her feel like she has to do something she doesnt want just to satisfy me. I think i’m just over thinking it and need to just bring it up when the mood/conversation is right.

@damodude6 Glad you can recognise that you are over thinking, we all do it sometimes, me included. Don’t obsess over the “right time” to do it. As long as you are both relaxed and not in the bedroom ( best to keep bedroom talk outside the bedroom, it’s less charged that way. ) Think about what you want say and think how you can say it in a sensitive non demanding way, think about what you say in the light of could this be easily miss construed into the opposite of what you mean. Or even construed as I “demand this” The word want is one to be avoided in such situations, use " I would like" instead, “want” is a charged word to women, as it often precedes a demand, where as men just use it because it portrays confidence in asking for something. Not that women never say I want, they just tend to be more context aware.

Don’t go into it with “am I weird for liking the idea of this” the easy way out may be for the other person to say “yes” it’s an easy way to shut down a conversation. Own your kink, but be happy for the other person to not reciprocate; and let them know that you are ok with that. Personally if a partner tried to same me for what I would like I would be thinking this is not where I want to be in a relationship, that’s why I prefer to talk about such things early on in a relationship. Making sure that there can be regular talks on the subject, and personal boundaries set, as what you are happy with can change over time, these changes need to be easily able to be aired. Once you are deep into relationship, it comes down to do I mention this is it going to do damage to the relationship, etc. So starting to regularly talk about such things can be a difficult thing to start doing.

I hope it all goes well, don’t forget to let her know that you would like her to feel able to express her sexual feeling, without fear of being judged. Women tend to get taught directly or indirectly that to like anything a bit outside of missionary sex is not something they should express for fear of being " slut shamed" . And yes even by a partner.


Thank you for the advice i’ll try to bring it up when i next talk to her alone and face to face (im away with work atm) and thank you for the help wording too, talking/articulating’s never been a strong point for me, especially in person :sweat_smile:

Reading out bits of the forum can be a good icebreaker too. And even if your partner has a negative reaction when they first hear of something, that can often soften when they’ve had some time to think about it. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll want to do it, but hearing about other people’s experiences can open you both up to new ideas. :+1:

My wife has always loved giving oral and swallow every drop . She also ( in the heat of passion ) liked when I licked her clean after sex and even lick my cum off her tits . Sharing a cum kiss was fine with her . But she has a hang up on feeding me my own cum . I recently overcame my hesitation on eating my load and it was surprisingly mild in flavor . I generally do not eat a lot of spicy food and do not smoke but use chewing tabacco . A lady friend of mine did a cum taste test with some of her friends , they gathered some male volunteers ( bet that was hard ) . All women tasted cum from each volunteer and wrote notes , then split the test subjects in half and had half eat a variety of fruit and the other half eat a given amount of parsley . After three weeks they repeated the taste test and parsley was the clear winner . My only question is why was I not invited !

@damodude6 You can always write it all down and let her read it. Then both go back over it in more detail with the hard bit out of the way. See if you can open up a more regular relaxed and judgment free review of you relationship, it doesn’t hurt to go into other aspects of your lives either. Though perhaps not all in one go, some thing for another day but soon, if needs be, but even if you think it’s not needed, couples can get into the habit of not sharing in order to keep the cart on the wheels, not really an healthy thing to do, but happens allot. Relationships are like old cars they should be given regular checks to keep them working at their best.

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My wife love giving me oral, sometimes swallows and sometimes spits ut out. But recently I told her I don’t mind to taste myself(actually quite like it) and I would like if she kissed me with my lod still in her mouth. I always did kissed her after I came in her mouth.
The so next time she gave me a BJ she kept my load in her mouth and cumkissed/snowballed, and it was really hot and we do it quite often now.

We also started some domination in the bedroom. Where she is dominating me, because I mentioned that I like/not mind to taste myself. She quite often orders me to clean her up when I came over her breasts or inside of her.

So just tell her you would like that.


I managed to talk to her about it and she wasnt off put at all, i forfet how ooen minded she is sometimes. We tried it and it was so hot, we’ve done it a couple of times since and we both enjoy it :heart:


When I was a teenager I tasted my cum out of curiosity, that was the first and last time ha ha. Glad to read it went well for you both.

I recommend talking to her, talking is KEY! Even if it’s over WhatsApp or something.

I’d also recommend snowballing first, simply cum in her mouth and both kiss! It’s sexy AF

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