Is it wrong......

To be hugely turned on by my wife's lactating boobs and want to bring them in to our bedtime fun?

Anything I've Learnt on this forum is nothing is wrong.

Some people may like some things more than others but nothing is wrong x

Cheap&Easy wrote:

There is definitely a fetish for this. Try using the search bar above and you may find similar threads.


ANR (Adult Nursing Relationship) is something I've seen mentioned more and more frequently of late...

its quite right: pregnancy and motherhood are beautiful and can be very sexy. enjoy nature x

Wonder what females make of this?

After I had my daughter mine were super sensitive but not in a painful way but in a way where even my clothes against them got me turned on so I can see some women must love using that to their advantage unfortunately I wasnt in a position to get the benefit from it.

Dixie Normous wrote:

Wonder what females make of this?

There are females who enjoy this as much as some males do, as with pretty much any fetish. Can I just say, if your partner is lactating because she is actually pregnant/nursing then she may not feel comfortable having them used for sexual purposes at the same time. This can extend to even touching them, let alone more, depending on the person. People in ANR tend to induce lactation when there are no kids around. If your partner isn't into it right now, don't push her into it as at the end of the day her breasts are for baby now. You don't want to make her uncomfortable or mess with her milk supply. But certainly share your thoughts with her, it isn't weird or uncommon!

Thanks C&E , I'm hoping that's the attitude my OH takes

I'd love to try this! Another thread came up a few weeks ago and it was the first I'd heard of it, short discussion with the OH showed he'd like it too :) he suckles sometimes when falling asleep, but obviously no milk, and I love it, it's so cute

Although I was concerned that sexualising something so pure would be weird, especially when you then do it with a child. But this lovely lot put my worries to rest

If your both happy give it a try.

Yes. I would expect to be struck down by lightening any day now if I were you.

I remember reading a story somewhere about a guy who LOVED sucking on his girlfriends tits and did it almost daily for over a year. As a result her body actually kickstarted the lactation process because of the constant stimulation. Crazy interesting.

It does not even have to take a year for a female to start lactating, it can be done within weeks if the breast are stimulated every few hours, the only thing is it does take a lot of effort as you have to suckle or use a breast pump on each nipple for a good 15 minutes, and this needs to be done every few hours, I used a breast pump on my wife's recently and on are seconed atempt after just 15 minutes a very small amount of milk came out as she had a let down reflex, but it never happened again for days so we gave up after that, it can be very tiring as you need to also stimulate the breast in the middle of the night, leaving gaps of more than several hours will just set you back days or even weeks.

No it's not, when my wife had our two kids I admit when we had sex and she was breastfeeding I would suck her milk from her, if you've never tried it, you don't know what you're missing, it's really sweet after the first few sucks, she never said anything but I know she knew I was drinking her milk.

As long as your partner/wife is OK with it drink all you want, there is no limit to supply so baby won't suffer, enjoy if you can, she may need a drink of water though.

MRS and I always enjoyed it while she was nursing our children and decided to give ANR a go with restimulating her on a schedule. It is amazingly exciting for us both and drives her absolutely over the edge. She has always had "nipple-gasms" but nothing like when fully embracing ANR.

Obviously in a healthy concentual relationship "wrong" is not the issue; explore and have fun.

Well, during sex this morning my other half was on top whilst I sucked her breasts. I clearly got milk and she knew it. She continued to a great orgasm as did I. Nothing spoken about it since but I think it seemed clear that she enjoyed it. Hoping for a repeat performance later on

I would bring it up and simply ask if she liked it; the freedom of you both knowing it and admitting it will be liberating and a move toward more open communicaiton... just a thought