Is Lovehoney Your 'Guilty' Secret?

No secrets from my husband but I did press the facebook like link recently (instead of my Lovehoney Twitter account) when doing a Lovehoney survey. Had to delete that pretty rapidly as I have a lot of friends on FB I wouldn't want to share that with.

Nah. No secrets from my fiancé, he didn't like the idea of me having a vibrator at first but grew into it. My family however... uh... hard to explain, but no secrets there either lol.

Not to my oh. He knows I'm On here but I don't think he realises how much, actually i doubt he even knows you can speak to people. Oops, however know body else Knows my lh secrets!

No, no secrets here. My OH knows (and chooses a hell of a lot of the stuff we buy), my friends know, my mother knows . . . but not my dad. Yeesh, I'd have a heart attack and so would he. :-/

Yes and no to an extent. I don't have an OH at the moment but would tell any OH i do have in the future as there is no need to hide sex toys and the like from them.

I do have a friend who knows what i have bought from LH and that i shop here but on the other hand some family and most of my friends don't know as i keep it a secret, not a guilty secret but just a secret.

It as my secret but I told my fella about it as its too much of a exiting secret to keep and he has his own account and has fun looking at my wishlist so he knows what i fancy and he offen treats me : )

My OH knows, she used to order on here before I started doing it. Most of the time the stuff is for her anyway.

Ironically it came up with a work colleague about a month ago. Was talking about something vaguely related in passing and they got it right away. At least I know someone else at work has good taste!

it's not a guilty secret as i have shown people the site before or used it to point out a certain highstreet store isn't the only place you can buy toys but i don't like to shout it from the rooftops how much i use this site or what i get off here

nope sorry not a guilty secret for me either, my partner loves the fact that there is such a community( regardless whether its an online one or not) and always looks forward to that brown coloured rectangular box that arrives :)

Nope we don't have secrets. My partner knows I'm always on this site lol. He has a profile too but mostly only uses it to buy me things from my wishlist :)

I'm on my own at the moment, but if I died in a car accident, I'd be horrified if my daughter knew about it, and found my toys.