Is this normal?

I’ve always wanted to know the answer to this question and I’ve never asked anyone before, I know you guys are all open books so I thought I would try here…

I’m mid 30s, cis Woman who has regular sex. I also masturbate from time to time but I get a lot of wet dreams, maybe twice a month I would say. When I get them though they feel so real, like I’ve actually had sex and an orgasm. I know I’ve definitely had an orgasm because I can feel my muscles contracting down below and I’m wet :see_no_evil: the last one I had my vagina was actually sore for like two days, you know the sort of sore where after a good F*** you can’t walk lol how is this possible and is this normal?


Been there, done that. I’m pretty quick to orgasm in general, and I know that I cum in my sleep. Wet enough that I usually keep a towel or a cloth rag between my legs to soak up anything that might get on the sheets.


I’m like it a couple times a week, maybe more. And they just seem so real, I’ve woken him up a couple of times having these dreams :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I too lay something down on the sheets so they don’t get wet.


Oh that’s good that I’m not the only one

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To the best of my knowledge it hasn’t happened to me ( I rarely remember dreams) but I know for certain that my wife occasionally orgasms in her sleep as I’ve woken up and watched her.

Ho to have a vagina and to have a wet dream. It sounds great so don’t knock it. It sounds like your having a great time carry on enjoying it. I am very jealous.

I’ve never had that and I’m envious. I’ve had sex in dreams but I always wake up before it gets really good :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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There was a point in my life where it was almost every single night. It was almost annoying at that point. Ruined a lot of boxers and pj’s :laughing:

I really hope I’m not doing that :see_no_evil: lol could you imagine a family member walking in the room

I wake up most nights with an erection, and in the past have cum whist asleep with a horny dream. I am sure my OH has had an orgasm as she often masturbates whist asleep leaving the odd wet patch

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I fell to sleep last night my knickers on and discovered in the early hours of this morning I also had a wet dream

I can remember a bit of the dream :blush:and woke up with sticky genitals

I’ve never had a wet dream but my wife has orgasmed in her sleep a couple of times.

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