Itchy clit&surrounding area day after using vibrator?

I bought my first vibrator and it arrived yesterday, it's this one:


.I used it last night and orgasmed around 8 times. Now today my clit and surrounding area are reaaallyyyy itchy. I don't have an STD or infection. Does this happen to anyone else? How can I stop it from happening next time? Shall I use lube next time? Or did I just over-use it? I really enjoyed it and don't want to dicontinue use. Please help!

i get this sometimes.. i think its maybe if your skin dries out or something? I dont know. i find that i have to use lube or else this will happen to me plus if i toy gets warm after prolonged use it could dry your skin out more.

Hope this helps.

Sounds like the onset of thrush or the vibrations was to intense and irritated rhe skin.use lube and wash toys before and after use xx

could be friction burn as you didnt use lube and its plastic bullet.

As it's your first vibe and you've used it quite a bit, it could be that it's just something the skin around your clit isn't used to and is reacting, or it could be that the material the vibe is made from dosen't suit you.

Think maybe I'd give it a rest for a day or so plus ,it would be advisable to use lube with your bullet anyway. It'll make sure that the skin isn't dragged during use and you'll enjoy it more too !

In the meantime you could try bathing around you clit with a little boiled water (cooled) and wear some loose fitting undies, preferably cotton. If it hasn't settled down in a couple of days I'd get a quick check with a nurese/doctor just to be on the safe side - as Mrs H said, itching can be the onset of thrush :)

Thanks everyone! I'll use lube next time and see if it's any better :)

But please don't use too much lube!!!

I'm different to you guys, I use rabbits on my clit. If I use a lot of lube or orgasm plenty. If I don't wipe it all off. I will get what has been described. Are you allergic to any of the materials used?

Btw! we share a fetish :3
But I read your profile and I hope you're 18+

Welcome to the forums :D

A reaction to something? A material perhaps?

It might be the finish of the plastic that is to blame a matte velvety plastic is very likely to drag and create friction if you aren't using lube

Could be what it's made from? I find I'm fine with some materials but others can lead me to being quite uncomfortable after.
Also making sure what you're cleaning it with is suitable. I used to use antibacterial soap and managed to keep upsetting the PH levels down there.
I now use LH's own branded cleaner, and if using a toy I know can irritate me I use it with a condom.