Items review list

I’ve done some reviews tonight and thought id write some more. The only thing is I cant tell what I’ve written reviews for. Is thier any easy way of finding this out. I really miss our old lists. I’m pretty sure I’d be upto nearly 200 reviews now.

Thanks fizzy


Afraid not anymore, short of going through reviews of everything you’ve bought and trying to recognise your own.

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Well done for writing all the reviews. I am not the person to ask but hopefully @Ian_Chimp will respond, hr is the expert on the system and I’m sure he will know the answer @fizzy


Thats such a shame :pensive: I may have to start keeping a list of my reviews

Sadly there is no way of seeing previous reviews on this new and reformed site.

However that said some of the user names have began to appear alongside reviews. I do believe that they-LH-Are working on restoring users names to appear next to reviews. I have seen one or 2 names. Aside that LH can be…

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Maybe it’d be worth keeping a note on when you write reviews for future reference so can see on paper all the items you’ve done write ups for :slightly_smiling_face:

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