Just wondering...

Our avatars are public on google etc?


if you are not signed into lovehoney you cant see a profile picture via a google search,i have just googled my usename whilst signed in and it brought up my profile showing my picture, when i signed out of lovehoney and did another search my picture was hidden.

Also i have done an image search on my picture and nothing came up

Hi Sarah - Just did a quick test and logged out of LH - googled myself - and I was online - but you can't see my avatar or pics or anything unless you are actually logged in :) xx

Only a low-res version from the main forum when you're not signed in, but the pic in your actual profile and within threads disappears. Try signing out and having a look around to see what the public can see

Oh never thought about that. I just did a quick search whilst signed in and found nothing related to me on the first couple of pages or on the images. What I did find tho is that my username isnt as unique as I thought it was! Lol hope that doesnt get me into trouble

I suspect what Lovehoney is doing is using a robots.txt file which prevents search engines from looking at certain pages. This relies on the search engine though and I'd be very wary of trusting this. Personally, I treat everything on here as public and would only show pictures that identified me in the same way as a username that identified me.

Thanks guys. I wasn't going to upload anything sexually revealing, I was just thinking along the lines of if an avatar had my face on it lol!

Wouldn't want friends and family searching a question in google and seeing an answer from me on there! Lmao!

Sarah 77 wrote:

Thanks guys. I wasn't going to upload anything sexually revealing, I was just thinking along the lines of if an avatar had my face on it lol!

Wouldn't want friends and family searching a question in google and seeing an answer from me on there! Lmao!

Hey if they are searching the question...I always think if someone stumbles upon you on Lovehoney, they were here for the same reasons! ;) know what you mean then xx

MissChar wrote:

Sarah 77 wrote:

Thanks guys. I wasn't going to upload anything sexually revealing, I was just thinking along the lines of if an avatar had my face on it lol!

Wouldn't want friends and family searching a question in google and seeing an answer from me on there! Lmao!

Hey if they are searching the question...I always think if someone stumbles upon you on Lovehoney, they were here for the same reasons! ;) know what you mean then xx

That is a very valid point Miss Char...... Sod it then lol! x

they are viewable without signing in - for example have a look at yours here - http://d3f650ayx9w00n.cloudfront.net/members/profile/CC1D79DF-8F52-4E3B-8D287A2D09D7DCA2.jpg

however Google and other search engines don't see every file/page on a site, they work through trawling the links on the site, and there's no connection between teh lovehoney url and the files for the avatars.

so while technically anyone could see your avatar there's no way google would show them where it was.

(a note to the above mention of the robot.txt - that's more a place to find a site's view/policy on allowing robots to scrape a site, it doesn't actually do anything in regards to stopping them.)