Keep sleeping with sisters mates


Only people that know if it is wrong is you and your sister.
Everyone’s values are different. If it is likely to affect your relationship with your sister, you have your answer.
If your sister doesn’t know, and you suspect she won’t be good with it, you have your answer. I wonder if that is more the scenario, and maybe you recognise it isn’t right, yet if enough people on here say carry on it’s the justification to do so and simply makes it your sisters problem if she’s not good with it. Also, what if it affects her relationships with said friends? Maybe she would have certain expectations from them around this. I don’t think I’d be cool with one of my siblings sleeping with all my mates, or with my mates sleeping with either of my siblings.
I have the (maybe unfair) feeling you know the right answer for yourself, but most likely trying to use this to justify the wrong answer for when the smelly brown stuff hits the fan.

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As long as no one is getting hurt I would say it’s ok, but if they are not single stop. I would give your sister a heads up about what’s been going on though​:+1:t2:

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If everyone is good with it, why not step it up and try a couple of them at a time? Up the game a little.

It does sound a little strange that they are all talking to each other. And if that is the case, they are likely sharing more than stories. Plant the seed for a threesome and see where it takes you. If you are free and easy to make things happen, make it happen especially if no one is “cheating” or being disloyal.