Keeping a fleshlight ice clear?!

Hey there, like the topic says, I’m curious if anyone knows the secret to keeping fleshlight ice sleeves nice and clear??

I purchased my first fleshlight ice recently, and after literally one use, the sleeve material seems to have taken on a sort of cloudy look :frowning: I’ve had a fleshlight quickshot before that was same material and did the same, but this one is much nicer as its the proper full size, and its one of the limited edition ones that recently came out so i’d really like it to last!!

TIA for your help as always everyone!

Did you use Fleshlight cleaner and toy renew?

I find the cornflour leaves it cloudy so I clean mine then leave to air dry using a metal clothes hanger through the base of the case. This has kept it the clearest.

I have the short clear fleshlight for my quickshot launch, and it’s only cleaning regimen is to turn it inside out in the shower with warm soapy water (medicated, scentless soap), then pat dry with a lint-free towel before reassembing and storage. It’s pretty much still as clear as the day I bought it, and it’s seen regular use as and when Sexterminatrix wishes to watch me using it.

My Quickshot is exactly the same. Clear as the day it was bought a few years ago and still as flexible. I just rinse ir in water and let it air dty

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I use lovehoney toy cleaner but havent used the renewal powder as i thought that wouĺdnt help. What temperature water do you guys use? I usually wash mine in fairly warm/hot water so wonder if thats causing it… other than that, my cleanup routine sounds similar to all of you who commented :thinking::thinking:

The super- soft plastic materials in many strokers are really sensitive to oils and silicones- even the miniscule amounts within hybrid lubes, personal hygiene products, and coatings on condoms.
I can’t comment on the ice clear Fleshlights in particular though.

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I use cold or lukewarm water with no cleaner or perhaps a little hand soap. I don’t use the renewing powder (cornflour) as it’s so messy next time you use the sleeve .

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