My OH is going away on Sunday for a weeks training course and me and the kids are let loose on our own!
This isn't the first time and in the past we have texted and sexted, which is good but I was wondering if any of you had some other ideas on how to keep things frisky until she gets back on the Friday?
How about a series of photos, send one each day or maybe one in the morning and one in the evening each getting a bit more revealing?
I know I certainly would find this a tease and a turn in.
I also would recommend some facetime or a skype date. That can really heat it up at a distance.
Can you sneak something in her suitcase for her to wear for you for exhanging photos, a new toy for her to try on cam for you? Maybe sneak in a handwritten note for her to read while she is away.
You can also plan a romantic meal on the return if you can get the kids uot of the way. Grand parents are useful for this type of thing
Vanessa puts forward some really good suggestions!
I'd also say send her random texts / pics when she's not expecting / can't receive them while in training rather than waiting for evening etc ... Reading them then when on a break making her vagina quiver while enjoying a cuppa with colleagues.
Hide little envelopes with cards/messages in her bag telling her naughty/nice messages (one to open every day) really keeps the connection while she's away and is very thoughtful.
Really like all the suggestions - thanks
I'm going to try the notes idea and I'll have to be quick to find a new toy or something to wear. Fortunately the kids will be out on Friday when she gets home so a nice mael is on the cards too.
I knew I could rely on the LH crowd to come up with some clever ideas.
That note idea is brilliant, anyone can text but a hand written note is personal id love that :)
I agree with Bobbaford. I don't have an OH but have a FWB, we sext fantasy scenarios to each other:- where, when, what clothing, removing of clothing, touching thru to positions & climax
Mrs Badger used to hide little messages and one or two pics in my kit bag when i used to go away on weekend training. Used to love the little supprises when i would find one or when switching my mobile back on when getting back to barracks and reciving a pic.
Mr Badger.
Woo hoo - she's back today. Well the notes idea went down well but what I didn't know was that she'd been thinking about how to keep things lively while she was away too.
So we had phone sex for the first time - not something I'd ever tried before & to be honest thought it would be a bit tacky (don't know why) but it was great. She'd taken her 8" dildo with her and had a running commentary twice this week. She came both times and I found it a real turn on.
Real thing tonight though I hope.