Knife Play

Picking up from a discussion here to start a new topic - Breath Play - #9 by BL140505

@BL140505 I get what you are saying in the breath thread but isn’t knife play about the threat rather than actually cutting?

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There is at least one person on this forum who enjoys knife play to the point of actual cutting i believe .

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Interesting. Perhaps they will join in this discussion. Certainly not my thing but I would be interested in understanding the interest.

Depends on how extreme someone is to this kind of thing as I’ve been horrified to stumble across videos on porn sites where people are doing the unthinkable and more to themselves​:scream:

A wee bit judgemental with the language there.


Not my kinda thing, but as said, each to their own

I always worry when some kinks and fetishes are on the borderline of being ‘too dangerous’ in a way to promote and discuss

I’ve known both types. Personally I’m into breath play but not to the point of being choked out, and knife play but not actually cutting or drawing blood. As @be3169 said, it’s the threat and psychological impact for me, rather than the pain or experience of being cut.

What’s the appeal? Trust, and being able to trust your partner to quite literally hold your life in their hands. It’s a heady, powerful feeling,

It’s horses for courses though, and both types exist and are correct. The choking out/drawing blood thing is seen as more extreme, more edgy, and is often within a culture of more “extreme” players, some of which engage in other questionable practices. I have also definitely experienced some judgement from some such group members as “not really being submissive” if I won’t consent to receiving it, until I remembered that I don’t have to consent to receiving it. Now I avoid such people personally, because as a friend once said, “consent is sexy”.

I met a girl that liked the idea of it, from what i gathered it was the risk/feel of it that was the turn on, no cutting was involved. I’m very dominant so it didnt really work for us.

Eeep :sweat_smile: my bad, I was trying to word it delicately but must have flopped! :see_no_evil:

I was getting flashbacks from the content I discovered while writing as one clip was this guy who somehow got pleasure from putting needles through the head of his penis and doing dissections on areas, then another guy from what I could gather was stabbing a knife into his stomach and bellybutton :scream::scream::scream:

^^^I wonder about this too. I think being “safe” and “sane” are certainly values we ought to prefer. Is knife play safe? I think it is borderline, since there’s a lot of ways it can go wrong in a hurry. And with sex hormones involved, I wonder if anybody is exactly 100% rational? Things to consider.

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I’m going to have to disagree here. Sane is entirely a matter of perspective. Some people consider skydiving insane, doesn’t mean it should be banned for those who enjoy it. Sex is no different. It doesn’t take much for people to go from “that’s not for me” to “eeewwww no that’s weird” to “that’s insane”.

And in terms of safe, very few kinks are. Impact play is never 100% safe, bondage is never 100% safe and sex isn’t 100% safe; STIs, pregnancy, tears and other injuries. Where do you draw the line in “not really safe but it’s ok so we’ll call it safe” and “not safe”? Again, that’s going to be down to personal perspective. Dividing things into safe/not safe when nothing actually is safe just gives those who don’t know as much a false sense of security and that’s when things go wrong.

Personally, I prefer a combination of RACK (risk aware consensual kink) and PRICK (personal responsibility informed consensual kink) over SSC.


Some really great posts for a more ‘extreme’ subjuct but I would really like to talk to someone that likes to cut and soneone that likes to be cut. I pride myself at being 95% open to things and 90% into things. This is is outside my relm.

Have a look at some of Jo Cat’s comments .

She has a couple in the ‘What type of pain’ post.

Search doesn’t seem to list that discussion.

Sorry. It’s “What kind of pain”