Hey Guys. I’m OC. Live in S. Yorks. Looking forward to seeing tips/ topics and joining in with convos
Hi there @Orgasm_Chaser and welcome
Hiya OC……Welcome
Hello @Orgasm_Chaser welcome to lovehoney
Get ther orgasm chaser enjoy yourself x
Sorry Gazza, only just saw your post, yes it`s been a challenging 24 hours, getting the hang of it now! Glad to be interacting with everyone!
No worries Willc
Hello and welcome
Hi all!
I’m new to the forum but not to Lovehoney. Tried to use it yesterday but clearly brain wasn’t working- it’s all seems like it’s making a bit more sense today! Might go check out the sandbox chat I think @Ian_Chimp mentioned for a play of features… but maybe not right now as I got another Lovehoney delivery today…!
Hiya LuckyLove……Welcome
Hello and welcome @LuckyLove
Hi everyone! I’m new here too. You all seem like a bunch of nice open minded people and we all need that in our lives!
Hiya RainbowBanana……Welcome
This topic has turned into a bit of a free-for-all. (normally each new member would start an intro thread of their very own). But it’s interesting to see what a rolling intro thread would look like in the new format.
Hello and welcome @RainbowBanana
Oh no! New and breaking etiquette already whoops!
Will just have to keep trying!
Sorry for crashing your thread @biggie79!
Not to worry. Lots of new members have hopped on here already, and we’re none the poorer for it.
I actually am glad, as it really is a great example of what a rolling introduction thread could look like.
Hi everyone! Just officially checking back in and trying to figure this thing out.
@LuckyLove and @RainbowBanana hello and welcome!
Welcome @LuckyLove and @RainbowBanana
Hi to @_BigO3 good luck finding your way around