KY Jelly new formula

This is one of those with no wrong or right answers l guess.


Sliquid is awesome! I'd never use anything else now. I'm the same as Carly and tend to have nasty sore and itchy bits if I use anything else. When I checked, all 6 (!) of my lubes had glycerin or some sugar derivative in them so by process of elimination I would assume I react badly to those ingredients. I really like the company ethos of Sliquid too, they clearly know what they are talking about and take great pride in the products. I think that's great.

All aboard the Sliquid bus!!!

littlebird wrote:

Sliquid is awesome! I'd never use anything else now. I'm the same as Carly and tend to have nasty sore and itchy bits if I use anything else. When I checked, all 6 (!) of my lubes had glycerin or some sugar derivative in them so by process of elimination I would assume I react badly to those ingredients. I really like the company ethos of Sliquid too, they clearly know what they are talking about and take great pride in the products. I think that's great.

All aboard the Sliquid bus!!!External Media

Mind the Step !!! Elf and Safety issues uh ha ha.