Large areolas

I have quite small nipples but my areolas are huge in comparison. I don't know why but I'm really self conscious of them and I don't know how to overcome this

I have tiny (almost non existent) and introverted nipples and huge areolas too. My only luck is that I have very fair skin and also my areolas are almost as light as my skin so they are not all over your face when you look at them. Always hated them however. My husband though adores my breasts and nipples just the way they are, so this has gotten me to accept them (though still not like them).

Well mine are fairly dark lol

I hate mine, they're rather pale, and small and so is the nipple. I have what looks like constant nip ons. But that's normal all the time for me, so I never ever go braless lol

Thought you might like a peek at the thread I started about nipple colour Vs Hair Colour 💋

Check out the Embarrassing Bodies breast gallery. Areloas come in all different shapes and sizes and yours sound perfectly normal and nothing to be self concious over :)

Totally different for me as a guy obviously but mine are nearly constantly pert and showing through my shirts at work.

They all take the mock at work as a bit of fun but I do get self concious about my little bullets.

As for nipple size on a lady size really has never bothered me.

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Check out the Embarrassing Bodies breast gallery. Areloas come in all different shapes and sizes and yours sound perfectly normal and nothing to be self concious over :)

+1 to this, plus if anyone sees them I'll bet they're just going to thrilled about getting to see your breasts rather than judging the size/shape/colour :)

I've also got large aerolas that are very light in colour, same shade as my skin and I've got an interted nipple too. It used to bother me but I managed to get past it by just getting used to seeing myself topless :) It doesn't bother my boyfriend either and he's never commented on it, so I'm sure that helps too :) I definitely second checking out the Embarrassing Bodies breast gallery :)

I use to have litrally no areolas and hated it. Ever since I had my first baby they have been HUGE!

If you hate them that much you could always see what the doctor recommends, although I think the only option would be surgery.

If they are really dark you could use skin lightening creams, I know a few people who have used them for that purpose. That way they may not look so big?


Large areolas are sexyyyyyyy!

I think we all have things we would change that other people wouldn't give a second thought about, or even find a huge turn on. Love yourself, we're all different, I've got huge areola and fairly substantial nipples but I hate where they sit, and one breast is definitely larger but over the years I've started to care less and less, I have way too many imperfections but if someone else doesn't like them then they don't have to look. You are beautiful, and you are you, that's the main thing, just find a way to love them.

Just remember ladies,us blokes love you and them no matter size or colour x