Larger men in thongs, yes or no?

As the title suggests what are thoughts on larger waisted guys wearing thongs?

I am 42-44 waist depending on style and make etc. But I struggle to find sexy underwear in my size.

Don' t see a problem with it. Hope you find what you are looking for xxx

Does size matter. ? I think not but your OH will be the best person to ask for an opinion.

The main thing is to wear what you're comfortable with and if that's a thong then go for it :)

If you are comfortable then why not? I think feeling comfortable and confident on the inside really shows on the outside!

My hubby does and he looks mighty fine. If you feel sexy you look sexy no matter what size. 😊

Don't worry about other people, if you feel OK, DO IT.

I don't think size matters. If you find something you're comfortable in and like, wear it!

As a male,i think males shouldn`t wear thongs whatever their size! I think they are the underwear equivalent of Crocs! ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

As others have said, it's all a matter of personal choice and taste. Personally, I love a larger man and I love any man in nice underwear so for me it's a yes all the way.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Just need to find some in my size now.

YES! I prefer these to lacey underwear on men. I would love to see my oh wearing one.

Yeap, confidence is sexy so if it's your thing go for it and rock it!

I'm not the thinnest person around but I wear the oh thongs and she loves it and so do I makes me feel sexy and good all day