lazer hair removal

Im sure this has probably been covered at some point or another in the past but I'm sure this is the best place to ask.

Dose anyone here have any experience of lazer hair removal? I've been thinking of going for that rather than waxing.

I've been getting waxed every 2-3 weeks since I was 15, but as I have Polycystic Ovaries the hairs just keep comming back as if I had never been waxed. Some times I think it would be eaiser to grow a full bush, but I like to keep it short and pruned, and my OH likes to see everything.

Anyways, anyone had any experience? I have a high pain threshold, so that wont put me off, but if it works I'm game!


I purchased this from Boots a couple of months ago for my wife as she was fed up of shaving and she often got a prickly heat type of rash on her legs from her depilator.

It's kind of pricey for an initial outlay, but payback time should be pretty cheap. Depending on how fast your hair grows, you may need to use it every couple of weeks at first. But it seems to work and will turn out to be cheaper than visiting the salon now we have it.

Plus I've used a couple of times and it does seem to work pretty well.

Laser hair removal when done professionally is permanent. Its worth investing in. I had my facial hair done last year and quite frankly its worth every penny. It feels like a pin prick and its the smell that gets me, burning hair eww...

I'm saving up to get my back and stomach done at the moment, Welcome to the PCOS club!

Ooo is there a club on here then? ;)

I've got an apointment with the doctor again next week, I'm hoping I can get it done on the NHS, but I was worried that with the PCOS it would all grow back, so its good to know it worked for you.

Its just so pricey! I want to get bikini, tummy, back, legs, arms, underarms and face done. I know it sounds like a lot, and I know there are some feminists who think 'women shouldn't be made to feel like they should be smooth and not have any hair' infact I had that exact conversation the other day with one of the women at work. But as I said to her; 'your not the one with a mans pleasure trail on your tummy' lol basicly its my body and I should be able to decided where and indeed if hair grows upon it. Sorry for the rant, I'm having a grr day :)

Thank you my lovelies for the reply, it is much appreciated.


Going for my first appointmen this afternoon =)

I got my facial hair removed on the NHS after a few hours crying in front of my GP detailing how it trashed my confidence. Body hair I've got to pay for myself. The NHS only pays when its shown to have a significant psychological effect.

Its expensive but yes its permanent :) worth every second I spent in the chair. I'm trying to think of it against the cost of waxing. Once a month forever versus 6treatments at £150... Long term laser is a cheaper option its just the no waxing or plucking rule whilst you're being treated (the root needs to be intact) that gets a bit hard. When I shave I tend to get in grown hairs.

Thats the lady I use I don't know if its a national company

I'm interested in trying this too. How many sessions do you need until it is permanently gone?

6 in general sexywiz but it only really works on thick dark hairs, if you're a red head or its blond and fine you really should try electrolysis instead because the results with laser therapy won't be as good. My laser lady makes people wait 6-8 wks between sessions too to make sure she catches the hair in the right stage of growth. Some places do the deals and then try to get you to use all your sessions quickly in order to rip you off. Be careful of the rip off merchants, there are loads knocking about.

oh ok i have quite fair hair, so might be best to try electrolysis then. thanks for the advice

I read that due to the way hair grows you frequently need more than one treatment

That Philips thing on Boots looks great, thanks!

LauraP have you used electolysis and lazer hair removal then?

I'm a funny sort my some of my hairs are blond, some are black, some are grey, some are brown and the rest are red/ginger. So I know there are only certain places I can have the lazer hair removal done, would you recomend electolysis? Hmmm the thought of being smooth again!

My wife has her Vag, done with laser,, and i can say does a great job, just has a nice thin bikini line (not Brazilian), and it seems to be fairly permanent (after a couple of sessions). She is very happy with the laser,, also great for her underarms.

Hmmm, cheers Dave120! Those would be two of my target areas, just out of curiosity, ...."not brazilian".... is that her choice or will they not go that far in?

I would love to have my back and chest waxed, I'm not overly hairy but I just like the look of a clean chest as I'm starting to go a little grey now

ArchersKiss wrote:

LauraP have you used electolysis and lazer hair removal then?

I'm a funny sort my some of my hairs are blond, some are black, some are grey, some are brown and the rest are red/ginger. So I know there are only certain places I can have the lazer hair removal done, would you recomend electolysis? Hmmm the thought of being smooth again!

I've got a friend who went the electrolysis route and I've seen her results. I've not gone that gone that route myself as its very expensive and painful. I'm a chicken. I'll be honest! Besides I'm ok with my blond hairs, its only the black ones that ruined my confidence. I'm 26 I don't want a beard and tash.

I have bought a home machine. It works really well, but it's finding the time to use it. You have to 'zap' every hair individually so it can be awkward and hard on the eyes keeping track of where you have been.

I usually epilate but the hairs grow back thick and quickly where I haven't lasered. Where I have lasered it worked first time and no regrowth at all.

I would recommend it.

I'm 26 too, I don't mind the blond ones, theres just so many of them and they grow longer than the average, even the blond ones are thick for a chick.

Theres a beauty college near mine, I may give them a call, so much cheaper there. I had an hour and a half aromatherapy massage for £10 last month! Amazing! They might be able to sort something out, I could volenter my fuzz for the perpouses of education!

Hmm volunteering fuzz for the good of future beauticians... Sounds like fun to me :)