So as most know I'm in an LDR as I know others are on here, it's so infuriating at times, a quick hello, love you bye before I'm rushing off to work and he's getting into bed, to when I'm finally able to spend time with him and he's got to rush off to work. Sometimes it gets you so down! lol

It's our Anniversary next week, and we've both somehow managed to get the day off work so we can spend the day doing things as much 'together' as being in different countries allows by hanging out online via skype convo, watching movies and more than likely gaming. My sons at his dads for the Summer so had a day of just us planned out! All until; I've been lumbered with my cousions next week mum forgot she's busy next weekend and I ofc have been volunteered to watch them was has seriously annoyed me. I told my mum I had plans which sparked rows to which she said well it's not as if it's going to work out anyways he spends 90% of the year in a different country to you so it really doesn't matter about an anniversary. I hate that veiw some people have about it. Drives me mad!

So now since it's the Summer holidays the kids will be going to bed at around 10pm, which gives me a couple of hours until I need to sleep to do something with him (If he doesn't get bored waiting around for when I can show up) And I'm fresh out of ideas on what to do.

Any help from you LDR'erss what do you do to make that bit of time you get together 'not together' special.

Hey Hun,

its so hard sometimes isn't it :( don't know if you've done this before but we have Skype dates sometimes where we dress up as if we're going out for dinner and have a meal together. Even though the time zones are different you can do lunch/dinner or something. It's one of my favourite things to do because when he is around we always love going for dinner lunch breakfast so it's like continuing on. And just chat about normal things, tv shows we both watch, gossip, etc. just makes it feel normal which is sometimes really spesh :)

and oh yeah watching films/tv shows together on Skype like we're together is fun.


Yeah it's horrible it sometimes just puts you in a blah mood! I think it's because I was reading a romance/extreme mild erotic novel earlier and it's made me jealous lol!

Yeah we sometimes do that hun, I think the thing that's most special to me is when we're both lay in bed (Usually I've stayed up way too late) and we're chatting away not being annoyed by other people it's just us talking until we fall asleep. I love that! It's few and far between thou, I've just woke him up now as he's late for work so was just a quick heya babe, wake up get your bum to work thing and a I'll see you on wens. So hard! No idea when he's able to come back which sucks as nothing to look forward too.

Ahhh it is so dumb, it's hard but you have to think of why its worth it - like I know all the lonely nights are worth it coz of the time we do have together! Harder for you though not knowing when he's coming back, I would find that so hard so props to you!

Love falling asleep on Skype :) that is so nice... Almost...almost like they're there..

But then not.


Yeah it is like they're there when you get to fall asleep talking to them with webcams on and such.

It does make it so much better when he's here the time is more special, tragically it just goes by so fast! lol

Yeah it's the not knowing! It's a nightmare. Ah wells, atleast we have Sat night together when these two brats are asleep.

Whens your OH back Char?

End of next month thankfully :)

saturday night will be special! Treasure your alone time. Have you ever been to see him? X

Aww yay, how exicted are you?!

Nah I've not been there yet. I do need to as his parents want to meet me (ugh ugh) it's just been a little difficult fund wise, and my sons father is wishy washy and will call the day before he's due to have our son with some elaborate story of how raccoons have invaded his house, and they've had to leave whilst aliens drive away the essesence as such he can't pick up his son, or something as stupid. No one else would ever dream of having my child for me for even an hour, so if that happened I'd be out of a lot of money for the flight.

Soooo excited! Then I have him for the rest of the year! Unless there's a big kick off somewhere in the world lol. I have bought like 600 sets of lingerie, trying to choose my first outfit for him, I'm planning like crazy!

LOL at your excuse of your ex, can't stop laughing haha. But it is a big commitment and you have to be sure, so I can totally understand. Frustrating! But hopefully you will get to one day...haha and meet the parents! Xx

I don't think I can offer many ideas on what to do because I guess it will fall into place based on something you both enjoy doing together but I can certainly sympathise!

I was in a LDR for three years with my current partner before we moved in together and he isnt my first LDR. They can be exciting and passionate and make you feel closer than other types of relationships because when you finally get time together it is precious and you grab it with both hands and cherish those moments.

It can also be hard on the heart. At times like these when, for whatever reason, days have gone by without a chance to catch up or see each other on camera and you feel more alone than ever.

I have had three meaningful relationships that started as LDR or internet dating relationships. One of whom I was with 9 years in the end and had 2 gorgeous kids, another was a year long and was mostly fun. Now I am 6 months into living with the man I met 4 years ago playing World Of Warcraft believe it or not! lol

They are not fickle, pointless relationships. In my experience I have had just as deep, if not deeper and more meaningful relationships sat chatting on skype than sat watching the back of some blokes head as he ignores me playing xbox. Anything can happen, anytime and anywhere. Your mum is clearly just not on board with the digital era! :D It seems rude of her to say such nasty things. Your feelings are genuine, whether the guy is sat 2 feet in front of you or 2000 miles away. Don't let anyone take that away from you x

Oh babe I feel for you. I done LD for a long time and it nearly killed me. I was so in love with him and he seemed to feel the same way etc but then he turned out to be a jerk. I don't think I could ever go back to LD because I'm too needy.
I hope you find a way to make you anniversary nice. You deserve it x x x

Aww that's awesome for you hun!! So happy! I bet you're running around like mad.

My OH gave me notie of like three weeks out of the blue he was coming for a week in March, I must of brought about 30 outfits LOL I didn't even get to wear half of them.

The excuses from my ex are just mindblowing I always say it's the biggest load of shit I've ever heard, he maintains its true and factual. The guy must have the worst freaking luck, his roof has fell down, so he needed to stay in a hotel until it's fixed with the wife, the bathroom has flooded again needed to stay in a hotel with his wife. The dog is sick and didn't need the stress. The house has been robbed and he doesn't feel the enviroment is secure enough at this time. Just to name a few. The conversation starts I receive a phone call either the day before he goes, or during his visit "Listen yeah, I'm really sorry yeah but space aliens have come down and I was really scared to tell you yeah but I'm just not able to pick him up really sorry" Or he gets his sister to call me with his bullshit excuse because he's too scared.

Fluffbags wrote:

I don't think I can offer many ideas on what to do because I guess it will fall into place based on something you both enjoy doing together but I can certainly sympathise!

I was in a LDR for three years with my current partner before we moved in together and he isnt my first LDR. They can be exciting and passionate and make you feel closer than other types of relationships because when you finally get time together it is precious and you grab it with both hands and cherish those moments.

It can also be hard on the heart. At times like these when, for whatever reason, days have gone by without a chance to catch up or see each other on camera and you feel more alone than ever.

I have had three meaningful relationships that started as LDR or internet dating relationships. One of whom I was with 9 years in the end and had 2 gorgeous kids, another was a year long and was mostly fun. Now I am 6 months into living with the man I met 4 years ago playing World Of Warcraft believe it or not! lol

They are not fickle, pointless relationships. In my experience I have had just as deep, if not deeper and more meaningful relationships sat chatting on skype than sat watching the back of some blokes head as he ignores me playing xbox. Anything can happen, anytime and anywhere. Your mum is clearly just not on board with the digital era! :D It seems rude of her to say such nasty things. Your feelings are genuine, whether the guy is sat 2 feet in front of you or 2000 miles away. Don't let anyone take that away from you x

Yeah I agree hun, these past few years have been the best realtionship of my life! we also met gaming hun! Just not Wow. My mums even met him several times, but still convinced it's going to work because of distance, but mostly because he's from the net so ofc he's a serial killer, and he's just waiting for the chance to kill me. I think he'd of done that by now, but no she's convinced internet = murderer

Naughty nurse 85 wrote:

Oh babe I feel for you. I done LD for a long time and it nearly killed me. I was so in love with him and he seemed to feel the same way etc but then he turned out to be a jerk. I don't think I could ever go back to LD because I'm too needy.
I hope you find a way to make you anniversary nice. You deserve it x x x

Thanks hunni!! I'll come up with something! Maybe I'll get some new underwear and give him a surprise show when the kids have gone bed!

Naughty nurse 85 wrote:

Oh babe I feel for you. I done LD for a long time and it nearly killed me. I was so in love with him and he seemed to feel the same way etc but then he turned out to be a jerk. I don't think I could ever go back to LD because I'm too needy.
I hope you find a way to make you anniversary nice. You deserve it x x x

LDR are so hard and can be so heartbreaking been there done that had a broken heart expect my guy wasnt a jerk he was so dam amazing loving and just a wonderful guy inside and out he just ended it because he was unhappy and it killed me that I didnt make him happy .

LDR are so hard and you need a strong mental strenght sending you loads of hugs Frozenangel

What anoys me about LDRs is seeing couples being all luvy duvy, hokding hands and kissing and stuff and ita heartbreaking to watch, cause you know that no matter how much you want that. You cant just ring up your OH and to for a strole up town hand in hand, the best you can get is a wee wave on webcam :-(

I swore id never go another ldr after the last time, but everyone in Edinburgh Is a dick and I can only ever find nice peopke online :-P

Thanks KF :D.

Aww WeeSteve! I've met some nice people in Edinbrough. But those PDAs do drive me a little nuts lol!

So I've just received an email from LH to confirm my purchase, confused I was!

The OH had hijacked my LH account (He too embarressed to create his own apparently) and purchased me the glass rose dildo as part of our anniversary (How sweet) It's a rose that creates orgasams, alrady by far the best rose ever.

And I've seen he's already created his own wishlist on my account titled 'Star's Slave' Where he's adding the stuff he wants! Bless him lol!

FrozenAngel wrote:

So I've just received an email from LH to confirm my purchase, confused I was!

The OH had hijacked my LH account (He too embarressed to create his own apparently) and purchased me the glass rose dildo as part of our anniversary (How sweet) It's a rose that creates orgasams, alrady by far the best rose ever.

And I've seen he's already created his own wishlist on my account titled 'Star's Slave' Where he's adding the stuff he wants! Bless him lol!

Omg that is amazing! How sweet! And that rose dildo looks amazing. Xx

I know, bless him. He apparently logged on to get himself some stuff. And ended up getting me things, not complaining.

Yeah I've been eyeing up that Rose for a while but always ended up picking something different which I'm glad about now because everytime I use it I'll think of him.

WeeSteve wrote:

What anoys me about LDRs is seeing couples being all luvy duvy, hokding hands and kissing and stuff and ita heartbreaking to watch, cause you know that no matter how much you want that. You cant just ring up your OH and to for a strole up town hand in hand, the best you can get is a wee wave on webcam :-(

I swore id never go another ldr after the last time, but everyone in Edinburgh Is a dick and I can only ever find nice peopke online :-P

An older thread I know, but reading this through totally hits home how I'm feeling atm! Is the weekend I was meant to be seeing the OH but he had to cancel because of work, only he's gone out for eve to a fancy dress party - which for some reason really upset me. Some people from work are now trying to get me to go for drinks for someone leaving party (which started 5 minutes ago) but I just can't bring myself to go. It doubles as the happy couples leaving party to move to another part of the country and I just can't face the lovey dovey couples, everyone asking what's up etc (puffy eyes:( ) We don't even webcam, we text...no phone calls, no skype...although I suggested skype to him and a week later his computer broke, so i suggested it on his phone and he changed the subject...so infuritating!

Sending hugs to all you LDR'ers xxx