LoveHoney Basic Penis Pump

So its the first time I have bought anything from here something for my girlfriend and the lovehoney basic penis pump for myself. I've thought of myself as a small chap thinking the 7.75 inchs would accomedate me.Having never actuary measured myself. Suprised at myself after only a couple of pump my penis was at its normal erected size touching the top of inside the cyclinder i had taken the sleve off. So I was wondering what size would be more ideal for me? I already have a large girth that i know. Any advice would be great.

Thanks In Advance.

My advice would honestly be to get yourself hard and measure yourself before you go any further, you'll be able to find a pump easily enough once you have your measurements as they all have measurements on the product pages :)

The Tracy Cox EDGE pump is great and has an extra inch with an internal length of 8.75, it could be enough or it could be cutting it fine:

The Bathmate range has pumps like this one that are designed to accomodate larger men:

Most of their pumps seem to have a longer internal length so it could be worth browsing them all. They're obviously more expensive so it depends on whether or not you're willing to splash out. But really, you'll need those measurements first!

Thank You

Hi Frab, sorry I know I'm a little late answering this one, but hopefully I can help.

I too had issues buying a pump - the girls are able to browse vibrators etc by girth, length etc, but no such luck for us guys.

1st bit of advice - Ignore the names!
I mean seriously, you see a pump name like "The Iron Fireman", "Super Pump" etc and you are immediately thinking that they are on the larger size, but it can be very misleading. For instance Lovehoney sell one called the "Bullfighter's Penis Pump" ( - Impressive name, but check the stats and it's 'only' 7" long and 1.25" diameter, which I'm guessing isn't going to suit you at all.

My recommendation (and the one I went for) was the Tracy Cox EDGE Ultimate Performance Stamina Penis Pump (, which is also mentioned above.
This really is a great pump, it has a good length a little over 8" (if you look at the first picture on that page and use the zoom facility you can just make out the scale on the side - the top marker is 8" and there is space beyond it), and it also has a decent 8.5" circumference cylinder.
You may find the silicone 'entrance' a little snug, but I find plenty of water based lube and everything works well - the silicone also provides a great cushioned seal.

You can see my full review of the pump here:

I hope some of that helps, and I hope you find what you are looking for. I'd be very interested to know what you decide on when you make a decision so please do come back to report :)