Hi. I just got this toy and have tried it twice. Really like how it feels while I’m aroused and wanking. But to be honest so far my orgasms themselves were a little underwhelming. Manual stimulation gives me a stronger, better O. Am i doing something wrong? Or is this a YMMV thing? Thanks for any advice.
Hi @NBoy1
Welcome to the forum!
I’m afraid I don’t have the right anatomy to offer any first hand experience advice, my only thought is that you might be used to a much tighter grip with your hand? Something that sometimes comes up when men find wanking more orgasmic that partner’d sex. I will wait for some of the forum guys to offer their advice though as I may be completely wrong.
However… I have to ask, because it’s not an acronym I know, what does YMMV mean?
Hi. Thanks for the reply! It’s a good thought. Although partner sex orgasms when everything is just right are the ultimate O for me. So maybe I need a lot more lubrication? And YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary.
Hopefully someone with the Fleshlight X Lovehoney Masterstroke will be able to offer advice soon .
Thanks for YMMV - not come across that before, I like it, every day’s a school day
I have one. It’s not my favourite fleshlight, but I like it a lot.
You’re comparing apples and oranges comparing finishing using a fleshlight to using your hand… you may aswell compare it to finishing during a blowjob too! it’s just not the same, and that’s kind of the point.
Just enjoy the different stimulus as its own thing, and if you enjoy using it to work up to ‘the grand finale’ and then want to finish by hand then that’s fine too.
I found using a fleshlight was great but didn’t have the same pleasure you get from just using a good hand
I have the same model, have you tried altering the level of suction by unscrewing or tightening the based?
Try using differential lubes, you might notice a difference.