Lovehoney Floating

Seems Lovehoney can't get a Broker to flog shares. Embarrassed it seems. One says it could be deemed unethical. Have you seen 'the Wolf of Wall Street'? If there is any truth in that film then how could they be embarrassed and call it unethical?

arrghhh bankers, a pillar of the community, never caught up in a storm, a lighthouse in a dark society and one of the most honest trades in the world.

I really am surprised no one is prepared to undertake this role, its a lucrative market that I am sure many would be interested in as a safe purchase. I would contemplate purchasing shares in Lovehoney if I had the funds to hand, from the outside, it appears to have been managed soundly from origin to current day, expanding at a conservative pace and there for a safe investment. Ok your shares are not likely to jump, but they will remain true.

Is this a mention in the movie regarding LH? A little confused otherwise.

I must admit I'd be happy to take shares out in Lovehoney is they were affordable, as well as in other sex toy companies I know have a bright future ahead of them.

I've always been interested in taking shares out, although most of them have been in small land areas which are shown to be unique for a reason.


I'm confused!

Article in The Sun on the Sun City page Jess

Will tweet you with article

Stuburns wrote:

Article in The Sun on the Sun City page Jess

Ahh thank you! :D

If this was to happen I'd be queuing up to for some