Lovehoney mains deluxe wand vs Doxy / Doxy die-cast.

OK sorry if this has been covered, a quick search didn't bring me the answer but...

We have the LH deluxe mains wand - nothing wrong with it, does the job and has become a firm bedroom favourite. Now, everybody seems to rave about the Doxy, so, how much more powerful than the LH wand is the Doxy and, is there a difference in power between the Doxy and the Doxy die-cast? Also, will attachments for the LH wand fit a Doxy?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance.

I have read on some blogs that there is no power difference between the normal Doxy and the die cast (some say that the silicone on the die cast might dampen the vibrations just a tad). :)

You can use the same attachments on the Doxy wands as on the LH Deluxe

I have received my LH wand recently and have owned a doxy die cast for two months maybe, and after trying the lh wand once I can say I am impressed with it. I was expecting it to be nothing beside the doxy, but actualy I think they do compare.

It's too early to come with any conclusions towards that, but I just wanted to say that in case it helps

Thanks for the input, hmmm maybe save a few quid in the short term...

I haven't even touched my Lovehoney wand since I got the Doxy, as for me it just doesn't compare. The main difference is the type of vibration. I think the Doxy rumbles, where-as the Lovehoney wand buzzes, particularly on the higher settings. 

I have to say that my expectations for the doxy were pretty high while my expectations for the lovehoney wand were low :P This may come into account

NatandTom wrote:

I haven't even touched my Lovehoney wand since I got the Doxy, as for me it just doesn't compare. The main difference is the type of vibration. I think the Doxy rumbles, where-as the Lovehoney wand buzzes, particularly on the higher settings.

Hmmm confused again.

I've not touched my LH Deluxe since my doxy die cast either. Deffo more rumblier.

My review has disappeared from the site tho

I've been having this very same debate confused but but seems die cast is favourite then? Im not worried about price as would rather spend more then have to pay out twice. so which doxy should i go for has any one got more then 1t hat can compare please?

I have both and the doxy wins hands down . It's much more powerful and the vibrations are much more deep and rumbly. It also has a softer, more forgiving head......good if you're using it for long periods of time xx