Lovehoney, we need delux scissors for bondage tape

Dear Lovehoney team and community members,

As I stated in this review: , while I was using my Tease Me Bondage Tape an idea came to mind... Damn it, it sure looks silly cutting my beautiful glossy bondage tape all dressed up in stockings and a suspender sexy high heel shoes with... and office pair of scissors. It looks rediculos! And I thought - it would be just genious if Lovehoney or another brand release a sleek, kinky black pair of scissors to go with our bondage and underwear... everythign in the bedroom should be a gem, not an obnoxious item from your desk...

What do you think, guys? Would you buy such scissors if LH sold them and on what price?

You should really use bandage scissors for BDSM related activities, they're a key piece of kit everyone should keep in their toy bag. It would be nice if LH stocked them here.

We have some nice shiny stainless steel scissors that look the part. They have a curved top edge and tip to them so they don't snag your skin. From boots.

Liquidsugar, yeap, it's a shame they're nowhere to be found here. But still - most of those I find on other websites - are still not appealing and attractive enough for my preferences...


Teeth indeed, but if the scissors are of stainless steel - they could be also used for temperature play... (daydreaming) (sigh)

I agree. However, you can get some pretty good looking scissors out there. I'm surprised that LH doesn't stock anything at all!

I agree. However, you can get some pretty good looking scissors out there. I'm surprised that LH doesn't stock anything at all!

I agree. However, you can get some pretty good looking scissors out there. I'm surprised that LH doesn't stock anything at all!

Would be nice if lovehoney stacked those "safety scissors" often used for bondage play. not something I can find in a normal supermarket at least.