Lube collection/kit/assortment recommendations, for use with vibrating sound and vibe prostate anal toy. Variety

Ones that all come together in one item. Thanks!

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For sounding, ideally you want a sterile lube such as this one. If not, a plain water based lube in individual sachets would be ok (can’t recommend any because LH don’t seem to stock any right now). Bottles aren’t great as there is a higher chance of bacteria breeding in them, but either a brand new bottle or a bottle without a pump action would be the best bet.

For anal, there’s tons of options. Probably either Lovehoney’s own brand or Sliquid would be good places to start.

There may be places that do a variety pack of lubes that would have ones suitable for both anal and sounding but as LH don’t stock any, I can’t mention any.


Thank you I didn’t know that about sounding lubes

Keep everything clean, keep one lube only for sounding or individual sachets, use a lube shooter to push lube into your shaft(a whole amount, dont skimp) the sound should slide in without effort or minimal encouragement,

Thanks, that sounds very sterile and healthy. I’ll try to find a syringe.

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Ugh it hurts so much more than with just lubing the sound. Injecting a tube full in there makes me wonder if it’s safe with how painful it is. I am thinking it could just be me. Either way my head is swimming and that’s something I love but I’m not sure if I shouldn’t be doing this

Too much too soon ?
Note a ribbed sound helps hold lube unlike a smooth one, and stick to metal ones

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