Lube, lube, lube

As a stop gap a splash of water on normal lube helps as its the water that dries off/absorbs that reduces its slip?

Favourite LH lubes? With the deals and my teacher discount I’m spoilt for choice!

I’m quite a big fan of the liquid silk lube that comes in a big squirty bottle. It’s very slippery and lasts for a long time. I went through maybe two and a half bottles last year of it because you get so much of it.

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Oh yes, liquid silk is our favourite too. I was looking at sliquid and the flavoured LH ones as well :heart_eyes:


I’ve tried the cherry one made by LH and it has stung me and all my sexual partners have reacted badly to it so with the flavoured lubes I’d be careful :frowning:

I’m gonna jump on here instead of starting a new topic.

We’re looking for lube that doesn’t leave us in a sticky mess after. We use the durex flavoured ones and it leaves us really sticky after.

So I was just asking for recommendations for lube that doesn’t leave us all sticky :blush:

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I really like the yes brand lubes and the sliquid organics lubes (especially the natural silk one)! We’ve found them easy to clean up when we’re all done :grin::+1:

Thank you :blush: I’ll go and have a look.

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The Lovehoney water based anal lube is great for everything, especially as it’s not very ‘runny’ so it doesn’t get everywhere and you end up using less!

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Liquid Silk works for us

Thank you :blush:

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I just received a jar of fist it, meant to be good with larger toys and trust me that all I’m using it for, first impressions, wow very slick and a not as thick as I was expecting, saying that it is not very running either. I put some in a squeeze bottle through a small funnel, it really wanted to cling to the funnel and the spoon leaving a thin film of slippery stuff.
Will report back after further experimentation lol.

Morning all :star_struck: We are in need of a lube stock up.

:sweat_drops: General Lube for foreplay / hands :raised_hands:

:strawberry:Flavoured Lube

:teddy_bear: Toys waterbased lube

Needing to stock on all so seeing if any new recommendations, peoples lube of choice :nerd_face: